Like I said, and a LOT of folks using fancy caps, they make noises that are hard to explain. Measure? Who would want to.. I’ve heard teflons break in a couple of times. After that, I put mine face to face, covered them with heavy moving blankets in the shop and let them run 4-5 days at 60 70 DB. They use to run tone generators on speakers for a week before shows.. It’s usually the last days of the shows the systems sound the best.. It has more to do with settling and breaking in.
Danny at GR is a master of taking advantage of all that.. Big curtain guy too..
I loved the VMPS CES show stoppers.. Danny never had good word for VMPS, other than. I like to help Brians customers.. Nothing has changed.. Still fixing 100 year old companies XO, saying "I fixed them"
Hell I could fix anybody STUFF after the fact.. "BURNED IN" guy.. I quit listening right after that.. They break in, good Lord. I bet he works on his motor, and changes the oil. ENGINE. Words count...
He was quit the SA in his early years with other folks speakers.. Still is taking on JBL and a few others.. LOL Yea... I own his servos, pretty good stuff. BUT I sold his redesigned 123s, What a pile of crap, they were.. OB piles of junk...Could never get them right.. Looks, They were nice looking... Good for parts...
My RM40, 30, RM2 and Elixirs, whip the pants off of them. Actually a lot of his earlier stuff.. His newer designs Danny is hard to beat for the money.. BUT it can be... Nothing I’ve HEARD on these forums though..
But I’ve never hear a Magico, probably never will..Wilson same way, no interest. Watt Puppies I’ve heard. Give it to me, maybe. Pay for them NEVER... Danny he insulted my friend Brian C to many times... AFTER he was dead.
Yea, about that guy.. LOL He may live in Texas, but he ain't no Texan..