Salk Sound vs Legacy Audio

Impossible to answer, but always popular: tell me your experiences of these speakers. In particular, I'm looking at the Legacy Audio Classic HD and the Salk Sound Song3 Encore, with drivers from the SS9.5 speakers. Even if you don't have experience with these specific speakers, are these manufacturers known for a "signature" sound? 

I lean towards warm presentation vs. clinical accuracy. My main complaint in this hobby is listening fatigue so I'm really wanting a speaker that can move me even at low volumes. I also want a bigger soundstage and just a fuller more complete image. 

I'm in Atlanta so there is nowhere close by to hear either of these speakers. I'm just looking for lots of information to help guide my decision. Thanks, y'all! 

I don't think the Salk's are overly detailed.
I really need to hear Salks in another system then.  I bought them after never hearing a pair and think they're very detailed, depending on the electronics of course. I'm pretty sure Jim thinks I'm crazy after all my questions post-sale but he did answer them. Speakers are a bitch to send back if you don't like them. After many changes to my system, I really like them but would not buy mail order speakers again without hearing them first. If you have a good local dealer that allows demos, support them with a speaker purchase. My locals didn't have a line I'm interested in unfortunately but Atlanta is a much better market. 
I own the Salk Veracity STs. Maybe it’s the RAAL tweeter... massive sounstage, plenty of detail, never harsh... musical. And yes, they are very responsive to the sources you feed them with. 

I’ve only heard the Legacy at shows... also great sound... but... and maybe it is the rooms they have at shows... ever so slightly bright for my taste. 
I have a pair of ssm6, s on order so I will post my opinion when I recieve them.   
I've had a pair of Veracity monitors for a number of years, paired with a Dehavilland tube pre and Edge G8 amp.  Having never used these with a SS pre I can't comment on this combination, but these have always floated my boat and not been fatiguing except on recordings that were overly bright to start with.  Salk gives great customer service too; had one tweeter go out a year or so ago, and Salk replaced the defective component and returned a 100% tweeter module within about a week, at a more than reasonable price for the repair.
I have the Salk SS6M. These are stand mounts but with the same tweeter. I compared them with other speakers which are known for some brightness -- the Focal 936. I also compared them with Fritz's Carreras, which has the same tweeter. My experience was that the Focals were too bright, and the Salk and Fritz were both fine -- warm enough. A couple of changes adjusted the highs in the Salks: some changes to positioning and also a change of tubes in my tube amp (to GL KT 77's). 

Ultimately, I chose the Salks because there was a happy marriage of accuracy without roll-off in that tweeter. Initially, I asked Jim if other customers reported a brightness to them; he said no, but sent me some resistors in case I wanted to adjust them down the road. I don't feel the need at this point. I would rather tweak the room with a little absorption then choose a speaker incapable of accuracy.