Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.
On the wave transmission.A few years ago I cut down a large metal can wrapped it in copper foil and placed it over the tranformer in each of my mono does help the the sound acting as a shield for the nearby pcb and outputs. Tom
I use mu-metal foil to shield my low level phono step up transformer from noise from nearby HVAC equipment.   Nothing special there, transformers emit em radiation that can induct undesirable noise into electric circuits.   That's basic electronics.

Thing is  I read that the theory behind benefits of Schumann is pretty much entirely based on  its effects on humans as part of the earth's environment.   Nothing about its effects on electric circuits or that being a good thing.

Just saying.  IT's an interesting theory, but again not a hard one to test and support or not.   Like a transformer, close unshielded proximity to an electric circuit should have a greater effect than farther away , and there is always some range limit involved.

Interesting thread, even if just for the entertainment value.  I have no doubt, as with many things audio, many people get a different response from their system/ear/brain interface.

Real question:  It would seem to me as with all waves that there is the distinct possibility if using more than one SG that waves will peak and trough at different points in a listening room.  There must be phase distortion?  
So, I'm thinking one does whatever it does, but two or more would tend to disable the whole.  Maybe because the wavelength is so long at that freq its simply inconsequential?

So with that thought..being a pair of mono amps I could remove the shield from only 1 amp place Mr. Schumann near one listen and move to the shielded side and play.
The amps are about 6 ft apart each sitting on Sistrum Sp 101 platforms. Tom
We all know that throughout the history of HE audio there have been examples of things or ideas that many considered to be implausible or even quackery at first and which later turned out to have validity. If only there were some type of filter that would prevent someone from opining on the validity of something that he/she has not tried 🤔. There doesn’t have to be agreement; simply first hand experience. Perhaps a suspension of ability to post for a certain period of time? Say, no posting for a week for each “infraction”? 😊