Oppomod femto clock upgrade Oppo 205

Appreciate feedback as I'm considering for mine. Thanks.
I wouldn’t waste the money, as good as everyone thinks the Oppo 205 is, there really is much better out there.  Hearing people say it’s their last CD player makes me chuckle.  When I see them listed for $3-4K and they sell, well I outright laugh. 
What’s funny is how everywhere you go on this site you find people har har-ing, and pontificating, and bloviating, about stuff they never did and so have no freaking clue what they are talking about! fuzztone, have you tried one of these mods? stereo5? Erik_squires we know you haven’t, all you ever do is cut and paste ad copy from some of the worst sources on the interzones. soix at least gets credit for saying, "I think" which means, "I don’t know, but" and so at least we know he knows he doesn’t know. All the rest are freaking posers who should be ashamed!

auxinput on the other hand, thank you for being the exception that proves the rule. I can only hope it is clear to the OP the difference between your informative post and the others prattling palaver.

I don’t have that Oppo and haven’t done that exact mod but I did mod my Oppo with a better clock, and more, and it is no joke, they will punch far beyond their class and your money gets you more with a mod than with a whole new component.

So my feedback is if you like the sound you have and want "the same only better" this will get you there. Another DAC will not be "the same only better" it will be "different, hopefully better". Hopefully you can already tell by the thoroughness of his reply that auxinput knows what he’s talking about. Only thing I would add is when he says it changes the character and nature what he means is it gets so much better it sounds like a whole new DAC. To me these things are massive improvements more so than changes but there comes a point where one verges into the other and this is one of those areas. Bottom line: expect a big improvement. No joke.

The Clock upgrades the Oppo sound signature significantly. I own a Modwright 205 and recently purchased an Aurender N20. When comparing the USB vs BNC outputs, the synchronous output of the N20 utilizes the 12.9 mhz clock of the N20. The sound signature become significantly more natural. The soundstage becomes more transparent front to back with small details emerging. 

IMO the Oppomod Femto clock would be well worth the $450 for my Modwright Oppo though I haven’t done it yet because of my soldering skills. I would have to send my module in to have Oppomod do the install meaning I would be without music for a couple of weeks.

Good luck. 👍
I wrote a 1 sentence reply suggesting the OP consider the ROI of the mods he is considering. 

Professor Knee-Jerk then replies with many words accusing me of bloviating.  Ahem...

blo•vi•ate blō′vē-āt″
  • intransitive verb To discourse at length in a pompous or boastful manner.

Classic projection by @millercarbon .