This argument is all over the place. One minute its effect of EM radiation from devices like this and transformers on electronic circuits, next its the same device producing sound not EMR that you will detect on a sound meter.Bemused is very clear.... The market publicity is very clear, Everybody knows that this device dont affect the sound DIRECTLY...And do not produce sound....
Your sentence prove you have not understood bemused posts.... Or if you have understood them you stir the pot with a confusion NOBODY make...The S.G. dont affect the sound DIRECTLY but through a resonance with the E.M. field...then some frequencies may be affected more than other and this energy level even low can be neasured...
For me it is very clear this is the case with my experience with minerals on a modified S.G.
How can shungite or herkimer diamond, put separately or together on top of an S.G. , can affect the sound if not by a specific resonance with the audio system E.M. field....
ALL E.M. of ALL the appliances in your house are in resonance with one another ....This is the general specific noise floor of your house....One of my embeddings controls precisely work by decreasing it : the "golden plates".... It is not "snake oil", my idea is free and it cost peanuts to try it....IT IS AN EXPERIMENT....
I have given ideas about experiments here, i did for 2 years, about embeddings controls and people replicate with stupid sceptic mantras like alzheimer brain repeating the same formula: placebo, snake oil, etc
The fact a more sensitive device than a regular DB meter would be needed to measure the db or energy involved dont invalidate the general idea of Bemused....