Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.

Funny how manufacturers of streaming and digital gear continues to chase that elusive analog sound. I thought digital was better?

Before you all get your panties in a wad I enjoy both Digital and Analog but much rather listen to an analog source than digital.

So today I see  Innuos Introduces The PhoenixNET – A Network Switch For Audiophiles @ only $3500.00

Guess I do not see the point you can get superior sound for say $2500 or less with a decent turntable cartridge combo and phono stage. Hell Clear Audio has an all in one for $2500.

I just don’t get it and I do not care to either.
Of course a digital stream is a replica of the original master. The musicians record to digital or a master is, there is a mix, and the mix is streamed. 
And then some want to use a vinyl storage medium. So the mix needs to be cut, with a machine cutting a replica of the signal. Then the replica cut has to be turned into a metal replica of the replica cut. Then the metal replica has to be replicated into many replica stampers. Then the replica stampers - getting older and worse every stamp - produce a replica vinyl. Then your needle vibrates in an approximation of this latest replica of the replica of the replica of the replica of the original sounds. But wait!  where has all the bass gone?   Oh, it’s not there!  It has to be replicated in the phono stages. 
I love it when old folks say digital is not the “real music” when they spend years and £10000s arsing about changing their sound with different belts, arms, platters, cartridges, phono stages, buying multiple copies to get a better pressing, etc. You can’t have it both ways. 

Digital advocates are more honest, perhaps. Vinyl advocates should just admit it - they are chasing the memory of sound they grew up with, and their ageing ears prefer it because back then technical limitations meant the compromises favoured a range of frequencies which are the only ones these guys can still hear anyway. It’s why mid-range crooners and instruments are so popular with vinyl audiophiles. 
I’m sorry but really??? Another nonsense thread about digital vs analogue.. “don’t get me wrong some of my best friends are digital, but it’s just not natural, not what god intended, etc etc repeat, repeat... anyone who doesn’t see it my way is a fool and on, and on...

If the fear of being left behind and something causes you so much discomfort or stress, then why not look away, do something else?? Rather than post pointless antagonistic nonsense.

I’m quite new to Audiogon and on the whole I’ve found it an education and thoroughly enjoyable hearing from people who know more than me on many subjects, but I’m finding the recent string of “people who stream are idiots” threads  authored by frightened Luddites is really exhausting. 

Hifi and music and the enjoyment of both has for me at least, been kept exciting for the last 30 years by new an innovative forms of both arriving in regular intervals. 
New tech developed on the margins of electronics like hifi, largely by passionate enthusiasts with a vocation, never arrives
perfectly formed. It takes time to perfect and those of us who are interested in the new who like to support it and enjoy the possibilities it creates, are no more idiots for doing so than the man who spends
thousands on old bits of glass resurrected from the radios of 1940s Russian submarines with which to populate his electronics of choice. 
It’s all a choice, if it brings you closer to your music or gives you pleasure in any other way, I say crack on and if it’s not your thing or you find change upsetting or unsettling just do something else.

sorry for the  rambling rant, but like the author of this thread I just couldn’t help myself.
Funny how a medium that has been around the longest, since 1877.... is the best.
It is the standard to beat for a reason, it just plain sounds right. Digital is ok...just not as good. It is great for when I just don’t care to fuss much over the sound and just want some music playing. However, when I feel like sitting and concentrating on the music, it is analog Lp’s, tape.
If you digital devotees really want to get pissed, go read what Tom writes over at better records concerning the sound of cd's/digital vs lp's lol! 

@anotherbob. You poor thing yep you just had to read this thread.

You liked it and that’s why you clicked on it. 
Have a great day Booby.
@teknorob23 yep you are right another nonsense thread, yet here you are. And you will click on the next thread on the same subject in 2 weeks. It is like seeing a car crash on the highway, you see the lights flashing of the emergency services, the twisted metal and people standing on the side of the road, and you slow down to get a better look. 

Why indeed.