Paying with a cashiers check? Need advice!

So I have a deal set up for a new to me pre here on Audiogon. The issue is the seller only wants to excepts a certified bank check. I have never paid this way before and I am a bit nervous. He says all the right things almost to much honestly. He does on the other hand have fifty some positive reviews and I talked to him on the phone as well. Which is when I got a bit more suspicious after he offered me a deal on a disk player at below half market value. He seems genuinely nice but I’m sure the best scammers do. Is there any way to get extra insurance that everything is legit? And would you guys be ok with it being he has 50 positive reviews over nearly 20 year span?  Looking forward to people thought. And thanks. 
The scammer is trying to draw you in.  That's what they all do.

Setting up an escrow is messy and probably costs more than....

You offer to pay his PayPal cost.  If he says 'no' then you will know he's a scammer.
"The customer is always right" If you are not happy with any product, service or terms, walk away...
A pass from me two. Im always leery of folks that haven't done anything in years then pop up. I've had several crooks manage to steal an old members credentials. You can also check their discussion posts, you can google earth their address, also ask Audiogon CS to check them out. In the end better safe than sorry. 
I just went through something similar. $3K component. Seller says no PayPal and is vague about the reason. Doesn't respond when I ask if I can pay him by credit card. Seems like a good guy though — I talk to him over the phone. He's got fine feedback but mostly on a different site. IF that's even him. Hmm.

We decide to both sign up with but the process is so tragically convoluted and the fees so hefty that we mutually decide to go with COD instead.

He ships the component and sends me the tracking number and the package just sits and sits in the UPS system, not moving for eight days. Maybe it's the cold and ice, he says (he lives in the South).

Fast-forward to yesterday. The box finally arrives, a full week late, but I can't take possession because, contrary to what we'd discussed, seller has apparently indicated to UPS he needs a money order or cashier's check. I only have a personal check. But here's where it gets REALLY strange: someone (seller? UPS clerk?) seems to have transposed the numbers, and instead of $3,000, the COD amount is $250.91 — which is the price of packing plus shipping plus insurance. What? I can get a three thousand dollar product for less than a tenth of the price?! It looks like if anyone is going to screw someone else over, here's my chance (not that I would!). I call the seller and he seems as confused as I am. After some thinking, and with the seller's blessing, I drive to my bank and get a money order for $250.91. On my way back, I happen to see the UPS driver, and give him the money order in exchange for the package. Now I owe the seller a hair under $2,750. We agree that I'll just mail him a personal check. (!!)

OK, on to the package. Whatever is inside is double-boxed and super well packed. I peel off layers and layers of bubble wrap while my daughter video-records the whole thing so I'll have a record if something isn't right. Briefly I wonder if the seller has shipped me some bubble-wrapped bricks. And then I finally open the product box and ...

None of what I see has been touched since it left the factory. The component is pristine, per seller's description. The protective cling film is still on the unit and the remote. There's a bill of sale from a legit U.S. dealer, made out to seller. I plug in the component, set it up, and everything works flawlessly. Whew.

All's well that ends well. Seller even sent ME a check for $100 last week because the shipping costs (which I was covering) were so high and he felt that helping me pay them was "the right thing to do." Like I said: good guy.

Despite the happy ending, this transaction definitely caused more nail-biting and aggravation than I signed up for. And I for damn sure wish that everyone who sells and buys audio just used PayPal! :-

I wouldn't do it. I would pay the paypal fees but I wouldn't do it. I actually paid once with a cashier's check and the transaction worked really well, but the only reason I did it was that my best friend lived in the same city. I at least knew someone can go and knock on that door if I didn't get my item.