Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.

Funny how manufacturers of streaming and digital gear continues to chase that elusive analog sound. I thought digital was better?

Before you all get your panties in a wad I enjoy both Digital and Analog but much rather listen to an analog source than digital.

So today I see  Innuos Introduces The PhoenixNET – A Network Switch For Audiophiles @ only $3500.00

Guess I do not see the point you can get superior sound for say $2500 or less with a decent turntable cartridge combo and phono stage. Hell Clear Audio has an all in one for $2500.

I just don’t get it and I do not care to either.

But a well designed streaming system does something that neither LP’s or CD’s can do alone. Namely it allows me to quickly and easily enjoy the music on many other levels. I can for example:
1) read notes on the album
2) read a biography of the musician(s)
3)find out what other albums they have out, who they were influenced mostly by and who followed them.
4) explore related artists.
5) skip over to or anywhere else on the internet to enrich my experience and understanding of the music
6) tag things I want to revisit or skip or reorder my listening
etc. etc.
This is why streaming will replace both the LP and the CD
First, You have a very good vinyl playback system. I suspect your digital is among the same quality. But when I see all your distractions to listening to music it is no doubt why you prefer digital. I have both which are quite good. But when I want to do such things as you have posted, I too prefer digital. But I don't consider that listening. IMO, that is hearing music. There is a difference.


When it’s our time the vast majority of us will have our record collections
old at estate sale for a fraction of their cost,

Like many I disposed of my vinyl in the 80's for cd's. When I got back into vinyl in the mid 90's, I paid  $0.10- $1.00 apiece. I have  amassed 4K. I have only bought a few since the vinyl resurgence. I've actually thought about selling mine because I'm sure I can make a large profit. But I doubt that will happen. My point is that there are quite a few that could do the same. But I agree  with you at normal purchase price. Oh, BTW. 98% of those 4K are VG+ & NM

If you chose to thi8nk your clicks and pops sound better and like spending time cleaning vinyl and refiling it be my guest.....

This is the absolute give away that you and all the others who say things like  "clicks and pops" are really clueless about what a good vinyl system sounds like. As to the other aspects of maintenance, you are right. Digital is convenient which is why many people like it.  But it used to be standard procedure for us vinylphiles to tell those who wanted to start into vinyl, that , if they didn't like the ritual (the dance) they would NOT like vinyl.

To his credit he doesn’t say I’m wrong. Some of us could learn a lot from our teenagers
I had the great privilege of teaching teens many yrs ago. I DID learn a lot from them. Their idealism often will shock the older generation who's had that beaten out of them by life's experience. But they lack experience  and can only call on theory. IMO Ideals and theory is the only way to really teach in a classroom setting. Unfortunately, when experience meets theory, its often not quite as straight forward as theory had taught them. My son struggled with this about  a year after HS. Don't know how I came up with this idea about wisdom, theory & idealism but maybe it will be helpful if your son experiences the same type dilemma. He sounds like a food guy. Too bad that so many people take themselves so serious and don't know how to agree to disagree, especially about such a highly subjective issue.


I am not sure if you have noticed it, but you have been insulting me in virtually every post you have posted and multiple times in each of those posts. It does not look good. Do not embarass your grandchildren.

"So what amazingly produced music are 17 year olds listening to these days....Since you seem to know...."

I did not mention amazingly produced music. I was mentioning the possibility that the sound the age group you implied is clueless listens to may be better than what you listened to when you were 17.

"...or just so in tune you beleive your above us all...."
I do not think I am above all of you, not at all. However, you are making me reconsider such thoughts when applied to some.
Going back to the topic.

Some digital may attempt to emulate the sound of analog/vinyl. That is digital aimed at certain demographics. A little past their prime, who grew up listening to records, currently have enough disposable income to be extracted from them under the "sounds like analog" idea, and maybe a few more determinants. That seems like a wise and very common business approach. Give people what they want. Just check all the "extra bass" signs on earphones.

The rest of digital, I suspect, is perfectly content being digital and better and better as time goes by. It does not chase dreams of the times past.

It may be that, as the number of people enamored with the sound of records decreases due to natural forces, in relatively near future nobody would think of attempting to make anything sound like a record, much less to advertise it that way.
Here is my 2 cents - the goal of my system is to reproduce a ‘live performance’ - not the vinyl recording! I love live jazz - I have access to one of the best Jazz Clubs in the USA - the Jazz Corner in Hilton Head Island, SC. That is my goal - I retired my Thornes Turntable and SME tonearm years ago. I am all in with my LUMIN streaming Tidal MQA. 

Just saying - enjoy the music!