Raven vs primaluna integrated amplifiers

I have a pair of tannoy XT6F’s and I’m looking to pair them with a tube amplifier. I was originally looking at the primaluna evo 100 or 200 but the idea of spending that kind of money on a product made in China turns me off a bit. I recently looked into raven audio’s nighthawk mk3 and it’s definitely got me intrigued. Any thoughts or input on this pairing would be awesome. I’m open to other suggestions as well. I’d like to stay under $3000.
thank you
Thank you both for your input, I have yet to hear anything negative about raven audio I might have to try out there 45 day at home trial 
James in my opinion, the raven integrated amps are some of the best amps in the world for the money. First, they are built like a tank and look like a Ferrari. Two, they put out way more power than is actually recorded.  Third, they have some of the rarest and finest tubes found around the world. Fourth, their customer service is second to none.
I owned the Raven reflection MK2.  I loved it. Please do yourself a favor and just call Dave Thomson who is one of the owners and let him just talk to you about amplifiers and sound.  You will be sold.  

Lastly they have a money back guarantee. What else can you ask for.  They will easily drive your Tannoy speakers with ease and sound that you will not forget.  Good Luck!
Hi James,
I am not familiar with your specific Tannoy model (Some Tannoys are easier speaker loads than others). Room size and listening volumes?
I would give consideration to the Luxman SQ-N 150, a push-pull el 84 integrated amplifier. It is a very good quality Japanese design/built with good quality parts and output transformers. It is within your stated price range. 
I'd definitely recommend the Raven as others have stated above. Excellent reviews etc.
These are the worst subject threads:
PL vs whoever.

No doubt the USA Raven is good stuff without hearing it. As a PL owner however, I can say the Dialogue series or newer will easily drive those XT6's. I've heard those and the XT8's extensively when they came out.

You can pick apart and do the Raven vs PL audiophool spec thing, but if you're going to just enjoy listening to music the PL won't disappoint. Of course its a subjective thing, but using the "it's made in China" reasoning is dumb. 

YOUR TANNOYS ARE MADE IN CHINA! A good chance the majority of your other gear is also, deny if you choose.

There is plenty of PL praise here and elsewhere. If you can find a dialogue series used, it will do the deed.