I saved alot of money.

Many of you will probably disagree but I have to share. I recently started streaming from my cell phone to my system with Amazon HD and You Tube Music. 
Components are a new Hegel H390, Bryston A2 speakers, NAD C 546BEE CD player, and wait for it, a cheap Auris bluetooth thing.
Sounds great but I thought about getting an expensive streamer and/or a separate DAC.
After weeks of research I thought of doing a test. The CD player is hooked up via coaxial to the Hegel. The Auris is connected via optical. So both are using the Hegel's DAC.
I put a favorite CD into the NAD and hit pause, then pulled up the same on Amazon. Without moving from my listening position I switched between the two.
Very little difference if any between them.
I tried this with different CDs 3 different times over a week and had the same results.
My system may be cheap compared to what many of you have but my love for music is as strong or better than anyone out there.
At 66, retired, and on limited funds I'm sure glad I did this test. The results must be due to the Hegel's DAC.

I stream Spotify Premium and Tidal from my laptop to my system with the Auris BluME HD Bluetooth receiver. I also connect from the Auris to my DAC via toslink. The results are just fine and good enough that I've not been compelled to buy a dedicated streamer. At some point I will get a streamer, but I'm too busy enjoying my system and pursuing other activities to worry about buying/integrating a new component into the mix.

Don't worry, be happy........
I don't care what makes my ears happy.. Simple as that..

You ever CUP your ear so you can hear that song in the distance?

Yup, that's me..

A common experience. Here is a fun account:


”We also heard David Wilson's fascinating presentation of his conception of system hierarchy. He compared a pair of Wilson Sophias driven by a Parasound stereo power amplifier with a competitor's flagship speaker and an extremely powerful premium-priced amplifier. Not, as he explained, because he thought the Sophias sounded better, but to prove that meaningful comparisons could be made between systems assembled according to different priorities. This was a demo aimed at his hi-fi dealer clientele, after all (it's a trade show, remember?), but there's a kicker: after we all confirmed that we could hear meaningful differences, Wilson whipped a fake component shell off the digital source and revealed that with the Wilson speakers we weren't listening to the $20,000 CD player that had been used for the competitor's speakers, but an Apple iPod playing uncompressed WAV files!”

Airplay is red book standard now, and blind testing tells us differences in rates above that are inaudible. 
Anytime you can find sound you enjoy, that is all that matters. Happy listening!
I didn’t know that BT devices could be run through a conventional DAC.  I thought that they had their own internal DACs.  What kind of music does the OP listen to?