What is a good base for speakers

Fussing with setting up a new system in basement. My vintage ADS L710's sit on original stands that don't have fittings for spikes. As the stands sit on a carpeted floor, they rock a lot (no pun intended). I'm thinking of some sort of base to settle them down. Looking for suggestions of a material appropriate for stability  - any experience with wood butcher block, granite or slate cutting boards as a base? More DIY than expensive. Thanks for any suggestions. 
I use Deer Creek Audio steel speaker stands like these:

The focus, stability and exactness of images is top notch, despite the fact the speakers rest on felt pads affixed to areas of the steel base.

All the best,
On a concrete carpeted basement, springs (like Nobsound) would work better than spike, rubber (or silicone) cone/feet, granite, concrete slab, ...?
Nobsound springs (4 of them) support up to 40lbs, but I guess it is pretty limited. Most full range speakers will weigh more than 40 lbs.
I’ve never tried springs. I thought spikes work best. I might try springs on my subwoofer. It rattles too much on high volume.

[EDIT] I see that it supports up to 66 lbs (or 30 kgs). The would cover most mid size speakers. 
Nonoise - those stands from DeerCreek are almost exactly what I purchased with my ADS L710’s over 40 years ago! Prices have really got crazy for simple steel stands. Still debating my approach to some stability for the 710’s.

Bryhifi - do you worry about warping with the bamboo cutting boards?
+1 for Millercarbon, he is correct about springs.  I tried stone, spikes, no spikes, Herbbie's gliders and the Townshend podiums sound the best.  Get the cheap spring option he mentions and try them out