A pleading request to manufacturers of amplifiers and preamplifiers.

 At this time I would like to make a pleading request to manufacturers of audio electronics.  Please in the name of all that is holy stop putting sharp heatsinks on the outside of your devices. In the decades that I have been involved in this hobby the collected skin that has been carved from my toes, ankles, fingers, hands, wrists, forearms, etc. is equal to the combined weight of a professional football team. The blood I have lost could have saved the lives of 100 hemophiliacs. I have come to fear my own devices as if they were the vampires or werewolves of legends. Can you not round the edges, put covers over them or locate them inside the case? Freddie Krueger has not inflicted as much carnage as the combined horror of all this equipment. The combination of 50 lbs. of transformer weight and 6 square feet of rabid heatsink is a guarantee of laceration when moving any of these monsters. So if anyone out there can hear me I am begging, pleading, will pay for, changes to this abominable practice of covering your products with ravening metal blades lusting after our flesh.Thank you.
Well, we did ask for killer amps. And watch out, if you’re over 6’5” don’t ever buy an amp that’s supposed to be a giant killer. 
Also, could you make them lighter? I have fractured every bone in my body just trying to lift one Mark Levinson (or was it Krell?) whatever it was the pile of broken bones would make the killing fields of Cambodia seem like chicken dinner leftovers. 

And could you make them cost less? The money spent on audio could have repaid the national debt ten times over. The Fed itself could not afford these prices. 

And could you make them easier to use? Tony Stark tried to help one time, even he was stumped!