Raven vs primaluna integrated amplifiers

I have a pair of tannoy XT6F’s and I’m looking to pair them with a tube amplifier. I was originally looking at the primaluna evo 100 or 200 but the idea of spending that kind of money on a product made in China turns me off a bit. I recently looked into raven audio’s nighthawk mk3 and it’s definitely got me intrigued. Any thoughts or input on this pairing would be awesome. I’m open to other suggestions as well. I’d like to stay under $3000.
thank you
"With PL made in China you have no idea who did what. When there is a problem who do you even deal with? Your dealer? Or PL? Or China? "

Kevin Deal of Upscale Audio started PL with Herman van den Dungen in 2000. One would fully expect you deal with Kevin.
As is his tube amp, his power center, his projector and most likely his oppo. Guy’s a clown, has no original thoughts of his own just parrots what he hears in the right wing echo chamber. Absolute worst poster on this site full stop. 
As is his tube amp, his power center, his projector and most likely his oppo. Guy’s a clown, has no original thoughts of his own just parrots what he hears in the right wing echo chamber. Absolute worst poster on this site full stop.

And there it is. Doesn't take long for the "left wing" to bring politics into the conversation. Your party controls every facet of the media. Can't we please just come to an audio site to discuss audio? 

Maybe bashing China in a thread about amplifiers isn't appropriate either.  So MC doesn't get a pass. But we are all adults here, and there's nothing political in knowing what China's deal is. We all know.

Please, let's stay on topic.

Thank you, Oz.

Nobody gets a pass on anything. But when the OP starts off with "a product made in China turns me off a bit" well then not only is China fair game, it can reasonably be said to be a main point of discussion.  

On that score anyone going after me needs to do a lot more research. Like on this thread. Notice my first post does not even mention China! Fuzztone mentioned China, but not China per se but only in the sense of build quality.

The first person to bring up China as such was tablejockey. When he does so, notice he goes straight to attacking people saying
using the "it’s made in China" reasoning is dumb.

Clearly not, and I gave a slew of eminently reasonable and undisputed facts why in support of my position. But dumb or otherwise, the fact is that prior to this at least there was reasoning going on somewhere. Tablejockey is the first to bring up China for no other purpose than to bash someone over the head, calling everyone who disagrees "dumb."

That to me fits the site guidelines of being abusive of a member and deserving of removal but unlike so many others I believe the solution is to expose not silence. I trust everyone can read my comments, follow the thread, and see precisely who it is that took it off the rails. It sure ain’t me!
Raven period!

I have a Blackhawk in my main system and it replaced McIntosh MA252. 
Build quality is is fantastic. Sound is beyond words.

45 day returns so what do you have to lose.

Read the member review’s here  https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/raven-audio-nighthawk-mk3
