Raven vs primaluna integrated amplifiers

I have a pair of tannoy XT6F’s and I’m looking to pair them with a tube amplifier. I was originally looking at the primaluna evo 100 or 200 but the idea of spending that kind of money on a product made in China turns me off a bit. I recently looked into raven audio’s nighthawk mk3 and it’s definitely got me intrigued. Any thoughts or input on this pairing would be awesome. I’m open to other suggestions as well. I’d like to stay under $3000.
thank you
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big Texas fan, particularly now that its no longer a part of Mexico. 

The op asked for advice. What he got from you is Raven is the BEST because you happen to own it. Typical. 

“Ilk”...good grief. 
Post removed 
Ozzy 62 , +1.
@skypunk, you make a strong case citing various American manufacturers who do manage to make quality audio products at competitive cost to Primaluna. In particular Quicksilver tends tends to be overlooked in this price segment.
With the Raven you’re limiting your power tube options, so you should do some
@glow_worm also shows his ignorance on Raven.

A call to Dave or James and you will get the best advice on tube rolling.

I will say the same would be true of Kevan Deal at Upscale Audio on tube rolling for the Primaluna product. 
Both Raven Audio and Upscale Audio are first class and you will get great support, I know as I also own a Pathos In Pol 2 that is in my vacation house. 

Also with Raven it is about the quality of those watts not the quantity.

"Quite easy to keep from having any made in China in your system and have top shelf gear."

You have all Made in Japan on shelves?

For real, what is considered top-shelf gear?