to buy or not to buy (ultrasonic record cleaner)

Hi Audiogoners,

So I have been considering investing in an ultrasonic record cleaning maching. Prob like some of you I question the ROI. So. I have a friend that purchased one and luckily he allowed me to take it for a spin (no pun intended).

I wanted to compare the results to my record cleaning system which is a Spin clean ($150) and a Record doctor record Vacuum ($300). I wont say what brand of ultrasonic cleaner I tested as not to disparage, or promote that brand publicly to be fair. if you want to know which one you can send me a private msg.

so to keep it simple I will let you judge for yourself. I have posted two pics taken with a USB microscope to my virtual systems page. Test1 and test 2. One of these pics was taken after cleaning with my system and the other with the ultrasonic cleaner

Can you tell which one is the ultrasonic??

should be intersting
Funny how that music sounds better in dim lighting. Just like things sound louder at night overall. Maybe record cleaners clean better at night too! Just saying 
Looking at a 10L tank from Amazon & a 6LP spindle from the Bay & could put together an US machine for under $250 that does 6 discs in a cycle. Cost on the machines & components has been dropping. I haven't placed the orders but I should.
This and other threads point to Degritter being "flavor of the month."
I guess since the AD isn't available now, a used one wouldn't be a smart buy(service)?

Looks like another year of waffling for me. That, and low tech Spin Clean.

Should I hold my breath for a used Degritter for...$1K? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Decision made.
So after reading up more on US RCMs (see I even have the acronyms down now) I have decided to go with the degritter.

The link Mammothguy54 Provided answers to my questions and put my mind at ease in regards to the machine causing damage to my vinyl. The machine manages the water temp, the transport system was highly touted by the reviewer and nothing is pressing against the record when inserting in the slot. I even cringe when sliding my records between the felt brushes on my spin clean. The review also goes into detail as to why degritter chose to use 120 Hz frequency as the best and safest to use in vinyl cleaning (I’m sure that is debatable but I like what I read). It seems that the degritter was designed with vinyl record cleaning in mind as opposed to adapting a machine meant for multiple purposes to cleaning records. I like the fact that it’s software driven and allows for future updates. Many of the features I would want in a RCM are packaged in the degritter. I won’t go into all of them here but the link is a couple post above and if you are looking to buy one of these machines and are on the fence it’s a worthwhile read. Oh and the price is right. $3k is a lot of money but from what I have read it’s about mid point price for these devices and if it does as good a job as anticipated its worth it to me. Will it make a difference in sound quality? I guess we will find out. If this thing does as good a job as the review implies it would almost have to. Also there is a retailer in my local area which is a plus. I like to do business with a smile and a handshake. Life is all about relationships.
I plan to pick one up this week. I will report back on my experience.
Please excuse any typos as this was written in my cell.
Good luck with your future acquisition, barnettk.

I'm a little jealous. Many quiet records are in your future. Let us know where you purchased and experience.