No - provided it isn’t being marketed as a medical device, or unless advertised in a way that is dishonest or untruthful. But yes, it is a social crime if people - through no fault of their own - have their hopes raised by misleading and unsubstantiated claims, and have money taken from them on the basis of false hope, and in the worst case put their health and well-being in the hands of merchants of lies.What about the numerous testimonies for a better sleep ? All mass delusion or incredible placebos....Placebo is the right concept not delusion if the device frequencies play no role.......
The people who do this may not be criminals, but profiteering through being misleading is offensive to good society.
This device is not proposed to cure anything or like a drug or like a "medical device" but only helping sleep and good sleep is the key to a better health....Remember your mother kiss help you to sleep also?
It is a placebo effect at worst which can work for 10 bucks... Where is the damage? Could you scientifically dismiss all testimonies and prove it dont work at all for a better sleep save for a placebo effect? Perhaps the frequencies range play a role who knows? Save mijostyn who knows everything rational by birth enlightenement....
Anybody hate "fraud" but mijostyn post are completely out of reason way more than Acoustic Revive publicity....
Forbiding a simple audio experiment at 10 bucks for all the reasons he invoke in an audio thread and talking of Goebbels and the "big lie" seems normal rational thinking to you?
If yes.... I will pass my turn to discuss anymore....