Would This Amp Be Worth The Cost?

Opinions please.
Amp for Sonus Faber Olympica III speakers.

Looking at this amp  Musical Fidelity M8s-500S Power Amplifier
Info https://www.musicalfidelity.com/products/m8series/m8-500s

Replace my Classe Sigma Amp2.



10 Hz – 20 kHz, -1dB into 4 Ohms


200W rms into 8 Ohms, 400W rms into 4 Ohms


<0.018% @ 1 kHz Balanced Input


>80 dB below Fundamental into 8 Ohms Balanced


-100 dB at Peak Output into 8 Ohms (AES17)

Would there be improvement? Worth the cost? 
Seems like there are loads of ABX listening tests (Carver Challenge, etc) which tell us there is no audible difference between any amps which deliver sound at your top listening levels within their design limits. Any particular choice of amplifier above a basic good design (about $400 seems to be enough)

Is what they are telling you? Do you really believe that s$&t?

You should listen to what your ears are telling you. If it's not something different you might need to abandon this hobby and try needlepoint.

The Musical Fidelity represents a strong value.  They are made in Taiwan (at least for now, production seems to be migrating to Canor in Slovakia) and as a result are a lot less expensive than many made in US/UK/Germany/Japan products.  Very good sounding.  Oodles of power and although a touch forward, probably less forward than that Classe.  It should be more refined as well.  You would spend a lot more and get less power (though a touch more refinement) out of a Chord Ultima 5.  It should be an excellent fit for those speakers.  
Incidentally I am a dealer for both Chord and Musical Fidelity.  I checked and that amp is in-stock at the distributor in Black.  
"...You should listen to what your ears are telling you. If it’s not something different you might need to abandon this hobby and try needlepoint..."

The guys that believe all amps sound the same, if not driven into distortion, have either never heard a good system, or have never bought a premium amp, or believe all audiophile products are made just to extort money from the unsuspecting. Frankly I feel sorry for them because their systems must really suck.
Any particular choice of amplifier above a basic good design (about $400 seems to be enough) would be justified only if you deliberately seek some distortion type of your choice.  

Check it out: Totally admits there are differences, but only if you deliberately want them, and defines all the differences as distortion. Intellectual insanity. Pure blather. But there's loads more where this came from.  

Personally, I think we could use a few more people like this. Really high quality components are hard enough to find as it is. Their prices are high in part because so many people want them. Wait times on Tekton and Decware are in the months, to pushing half a year. The last thing we need is more talented discriminating quality-oriented listeners competing for them. The more noobs buying Bose the better. Let's hear it for 'em! 

Louder! I can't hear you! Well no actually I can. But they can't. Hard of hearing. Obviously.

So I guess it’s time to sell all of our amps and buy Chinese $400.00 amps. They don’t make a difference? Nor does anything else. Lamp cord for speakers, interconnects, power. My world just got a whole lot cheaper...

To the OP, Musical Fidelity makes some good products for the $$, best thing to do is audition... really, it’s the only thing to do. Then choose which you prefer.