best amp for Magnepan 3,7

we all know that audio research and Jeff Rowland amps are often successfully coupled with magnepan

which are the best alternatives ?

Krell ? an FPB 600 for exemple

Pass ?

what else ?

I'm running my 3.7s with a VAC 300.1a (150 tube wpc). My room is 18x25 with pitched ceilings. No clipping, no distortion, no running out of steam -- tight present bass too. I don't like to listen at volumes that damage my hearing though. Another option is hybrid tube amp like the Moscode 402.
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More power is always better in my experience, my top choices for your Maggies:

Pass Labs X-600 (.5 if you can)

Pass Labs X-350.5

Sanders Magtech

Cary Audio CAD 500MB's (what I use with my 3.6Rs)

Bryston 7sst2

Parasound Halo JC-2

Wyred4Sound 1000's

I've had all these hooked up to my Maggies (with the exception of the X-600's, and the Sanders, but I had an older Sanders and give the new one some love for that). I have had a few other amps on them as well, but I wouldn't put them on the list.
McIntosh mc2301's. I have tried many amps, it was immediately clear that the big tube amps were a perfect match.
System synergy and room characteristics will influence your results to such a large extent that only an in home audition of the amp(s) under consideration will be of any value.