I saved alot of money.

Many of you will probably disagree but I have to share. I recently started streaming from my cell phone to my system with Amazon HD and You Tube Music. 
Components are a new Hegel H390, Bryston A2 speakers, NAD C 546BEE CD player, and wait for it, a cheap Auris bluetooth thing.
Sounds great but I thought about getting an expensive streamer and/or a separate DAC.
After weeks of research I thought of doing a test. The CD player is hooked up via coaxial to the Hegel. The Auris is connected via optical. So both are using the Hegel's DAC.
I put a favorite CD into the NAD and hit pause, then pulled up the same on Amazon. Without moving from my listening position I switched between the two.
Very little difference if any between them.
I tried this with different CDs 3 different times over a week and had the same results.
My system may be cheap compared to what many of you have but my love for music is as strong or better than anyone out there.
At 66, retired, and on limited funds I'm sure glad I did this test. The results must be due to the Hegel's DAC.

"...Thank you russ69 for you saying my NAD CD player is the weak link. I've had it for a couple of years... Since I'm only using the NAD as a transport would a much more expensive CD player give better results?.."

Sorry, my opinion was based on using the CD players D/A converter and analog amp. In your system I guess it's down to how good the Hegal D/A converter is.  
I've found that once you enter into the "high end" the reward ratio can be a slippery slope.  If your room treatment and layout is not perfect, you just end up chasing small gains, which is fine, but few of them have any substance. YMMV.

I’d agree with @bjesien, price and performance are not necessarily linked. Certainly not at the so-called high-end.

Neither would I like to say that the extremely versatile NAD C546 BEE can in any way be considered as a weak link.

Especially not when only used as a transport.

I’ve got the well regarded Marantz CD6000ki and as far as I can tell, it sounds identical to my portable Sony MP3 player. So I’m not surprised that your comparison delivered similar conclusion to mine.

So I’d say you already have a very well balanced system.

That’s an upside.

The downside is that improvements (outside the usual suspects - masterings, room, speakers etc) are difficult to suggest.

It’s always up to the individual to decide whether they can settle with their current system or feel it’s worthwhile striving for more.

Anyone can easily suggest improvements for an unbalanced system but the going gets seriously difficult with one that’s as well balanced as yours is.
@cd318....*L*  One has to pull back the curtain occasionally to discover the Wizard behind the Oz....;)

We are in an era where good not only can appear in small packages, but can challenge the giants at the game....

Remember that attempt to have a laser reading an LP?  I'm waiting for someone to take another shot at that....;)