Considering a Raven Audio Blackhawk Integrated for Tannoy Sterlings

I recently purchased a pair of Tannoy Sterling speakers. Rated 91dB sensitive which do not drop below 5 ohms impedance. My room I about 12' x 15' x 8.5'. It is treated with absorption panels to my liking. 

I am currently driving the Sterlings with a BEL 1001 MK5 SS amp (50wpc), itself driven by an Aric Audio Special all tube preamp. System is digital based with an Audio Mirror Tubadour III DAC fed by Mac Mini or CD transport. 

The system sounds wonderful, however I am looking to simplify, and have not experienced tubes in the power amplifier stage. The Blackhawk is 20wpc. I auditioned the Sterlings with a Luxman 20wpc class A SS amplifier. That amp drove them very well in a room volume greater than my room. I am aware that Raven Audio allows a 45 day trial period with loss of shipping only if one wished to return the integrated. 

 I find the Tannoys to have a certain warmth that I enjoy. Not thinking that I need any more provided by an amplifier. Love the 'bloom' and 'air' around notes, soundstaging, and imaging provided by tubes.

Obviously, given the trial period I could audition the pairing in my own room. I am just looking for thoughts from members herein, some that own Raven or Tannoy. Thanks in advance. 


do let us know how you like the raven when you have it in... you are one of the folks who post regularly in a down to earth classy no hype no b-s way, so you opinion carries a lot of weight in my eyes

raven seems to have a vocal, loyal following, am sure they are excellent and the company behind it is smallish but not too small

others mentioned, leben, aric, are no doubt also outstanding... i would add linear tube audio (a more ’crystal clear’ alternative to the juicy lush tube sound) and audio mirror (vlad’s set45 is wonderful sounding, full of bloom)

good luck have fun, and please report back!
Aric and his gear are top notch! My Motherlode is the only piece of gear that has not been switched or upgraded since it found its place in my system.
I owned a Raven Reflection MK2 integrated amp.  I never ever needed to turn the power on past 11am. I had KT 150 tubes in it and with Dave Thomson's help I did a lot of tube swapping for different musical moods and tastes.  Raven is an awesome Company.  By the way they easily drove my Sonus Faber Amati Tradition Homage speakers!
@willgolf - I’m assuming you don’t have the Reflection anymore? What did you replace it with if you don’t mind me asking? I have a Blackhawk and it does respond to tube rolling quite well.
Jjss49, thanks for the kind words. I have decided to hold on making changes to my amplification.  Plan on keeping my Aric Audio preamp and Bell 1001 Mk5 for now. Likely purchase a tube amplifier from Aric down the road.