Acoustic Blanket for TV

I put in a 50 inch TV near the left speaker in my office. The TV is against the side wall and the speakers are in the front wall. I am getting some reflections as I expected.

I was hoping to talk with these guys about getting some fabric to control the reflections.
However, I am tired of being sent to voicemail. I think it is time for another approach.

I have also contacted GIK Acoustics about this TV issue because I was at one time thinking about putting the TV in-between the speakers. They have not gotten back to me yet. However, I came to my senses on that and decided to move the TV to the side and not in-between the speakers. I was hoping to use a 40’ TV but that one is on it’s last legs so I had to use the bigger 50" TV.

I talked to a company about sound absorption blankets but they told me that their blankets would be too heavy for a TV.

What have people used to cover their TV’s to make nice with the acoustics? I am trying a folded quilt now and it works OK. However, my wife will eventually notice the missing quilt from the guest bedroom. So I wanted to get some suggestions before I spend some money on this problem.

Someone DM'ed me to suggest I try a furniture moving blanket. 

So I am now trying out a $20 moving blanket from HomeDepot. I have folded it a few times to gain additional absorption.  So far it sound good.

When I tired a wool blanket, the sound changed for the better.
Good old Army-Navy Surplus.

All the best,
A little bit of a surprise for me is that my Convolution DSP is now altered with this TV and blanket. I will need to redo the acoustic measurements to create new Convolution files. It actually seems like I need to turn of the DSP. However, I have already contacted the DSP expert I have do this for me and I will let him fix the sound. I am sure it will be better than turning it off.