Tube amplifier upgrade suggestions welcome.

I currently have a Musical Fidelity m2si and some Tekton Lore speakers and would like to buy a power amplifier to upgrade my system.  I'd like to keep the m2si in the system as a preamp.  I'd like more clarity, bass, and dynamics in my setup.  I have up to $2K to spend and thought I'd try out a tube amp since my speakers are supposed to be very tube-friendly.

I have considered something like a Parasound A23+ or Rotel 1582 amplifier -- what are the equivalent tube amplifiers to these?  I'm in an 11' x 12' room with horrible acoustics but I've treated it with 8 GIK 244 bass traps and have added an SVS-SB1000 to fill in the low end which helped a ton.  How should I proceed from here?
Check out Black Ice tube amps (Jolida) as they're underrated gems...I used a Jolida 502P power amp for years and it was a very powerful and clean tube bargain...and you can call the Jolida/Black Ice guys with questions...either an integrated or power amp will be within your budget.
Ok, thanks guys!  I know very little about tube amps but I have super high efficiency speakers and I think I'd like tubes -- we'll see!  :D  I do believe the smartest thing for me to do is to go used and trust what you, the experts, say is a great buy so that's what I'll do. 

I'm still leaning towards just an amplifier rather than an integrated because it will give me a better upgrade path, so I'm considering either of the two on Audiogon posted above. Thanks to @lowrider57 for the help!

I'm not sure I can afford one of these until the next round of stimulus money comes.  But maybe I can.  Not sure yet.  If I don't get one of the ones listed now can I come back and ask about other tube amps that might show up here or on other sites?  
Of course you can keep this thread going. I'll second Jolida, aka Black Ice as a possible amp for you.

I recommend you message the seller of the RM-10 and make inquiries, he's the original owner.  Ask to see more pics. I expect this amp to sell quickly, they don't come up for sale very often.

Will Vincent regularly posts his restored Dynaco's.

Thanks!  What would I be looking for in the pics?  I kinda know what to look for in a solid-state amp because my old Linn LK280 had major heat issues over it's lifetime, like the traces were coming off the PC board and caps were failing.  What do I look out for in a used tube amp?