What cd for $1000 is best for this system?

My friend has the following system and has asked me for recommendations for cd player for $1K. Used at $1K is what I'm asking about. If you feel that he should spend less given his equipment, that's good. I have been told that the cornerhorns can have the crossovers upgraded and that improves them a lot. Is that true and what does it cost?
Here is my friends system:

Klipsch corner horns
Atma-sphere mk II monoblocks
Atma-sphere preamp
Goetz silver ribbon cables from the amp to the speaker
Xlr cables from the preamp to each amp

I inserted this before, I should have previewed the listing.
I am told the new TRL modified Sony DVP-NS900V is one of the most musical CD players for the money (I'll know soon as I'm getting ready to send mine off). A'gon member Ecruz just posted about his. If you can find the player, with the cost of the mods you're looking at around $800-$1k. The Sony which I believe Boa2 is referring to is the Sony 595 or perhaps the 777ES. Both were highly praised in a 6moons review by Stephaen Harrell. These will also run under $1k. Call Paul Weitzel at TRL, they have done several hundred digital mods and I'm sure they can make some recommendations for you.
Absolutely, tell your friend to get the crossovers. I can't exaggerate the difference they made. And yes, Clio9, it was the Sony 595 I'd read about. Sounds like there are a lot of happy owners of that modded machine.
Good luck,
Come on guys (& girls), I really need some help here. I have no clue what makes sense with my friend's system. He's cost concerned. I want to get him the most bang for the buck.

Help me.