Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.
During the middle of one song (I had my eyes closed) ,Chuck took the cables off the Cable Elevators; I immediately heard the sound become distorted and muddy.
So, with all the time and money you’ve spent, with all your decades of accumulating audio knowledge, with all your testing, tweaking and experimenting, with all your careful equipment choices of amplification, source, conditioning, cabling, room treatment, Moabs, etc....
Unless you lift your speaker cables off the floor, your system sounds (quote) "distorted and muddy"??!
Wow. And you dispense advice like you know what you’re talking about...
Hardly a flattering endorsement of your audio prowess, the synergy of your equipment, and your Moabs.
@millercarbon- I have to agree with @thecarpathian. How can every little thing be “startlingly better”? There is no scale of degrees of improvement? Suspension helps turntables, phono stages, amps and preamps, speakers all incredibly? Nothing is a subtle or mild Improvement? NOBODY else says this.

I am not by any means on an upgrade treadmill. Amp is 15 years old. Cartridge 10 (replaced identically last August when the stylus wore out). Turntable is 2, but I don’t foresee a change (maybe the arm if I get really antsy) conditioner around 5, speakers are only a year, but they replaced 25 year old ones. Hardly an upgrade treadmill. Like I said, the suspension upgrade was startling, but it is hard to imagine tens of more tweaks having the same impact, but I am certainly open minded to what has the potential to do so.

Even @mahgister admits variations in improvements with various experiments he conducts. You criticize double blind testing. I wonder why....maybe you would fail to recognize the removal of cryo from some wires, springs from a power conditioner, SGs? I’d like to hear of any documentation of how any testing was actually done.

I do admire your passion for the hobby and would love to hear your incredibly complex system, but would not fly coast to coast to hear it. If I ever found myself in Seattle however (hasn’t happened yet) I will reach out to set up a time to stop by.
Just think of all the time, money, and energy he would have saved if he thought of doing that first...
It is clear to me now I have vastly misjudged the reading comprehension of (some) of my audience. I say some because while it may appear to you all you are the only ones here, let me assure you many others read and do not comment precisely because of all the blather and attacks they can see coming if they do. So while they get it a lot of you do not and so I will try and be real clear and simple: 

Double-blind tests are where people who cannot hear go to hide the fact they cannot hear.  

Got it? Good. I will now leave you to blather endlessly back and forth among each other pretending anyone cares. Bye!