It is clear you like to put yourself on a pedestal and pretend to be all knowing when it comes to hifi. With so many years invested doing that, you shouldn’t be surprised when somebody comes along and challenges you, it’s bound to happen. In that sense, you should pay attention to what thecarpathian, sokogear and others are saying. And... you must respond if you are to remain credible. Or you can bow out by saying you misjudged the reading comprehension of your audience. Since I believe I have relatively good reading comprehension and I understand acoustics and how discrete sources add, can you explain why you made the following comment?
"Starting with one I added a couple at a time until now at 8 with 2 more on the way. Each one improved the same amount as the last. So much for the "law" of diminishing marginal returns."
Also on a more fundamental level can you explain why adding a 7.83 Hz electromagnetic generator to your room improves the clarity of your system? Can you also address the odd and even harmonics that are generated? The 5th harmonic is at 39.15 Hz. Enquiring minds want to know...
It is clear you like to put yourself on a pedestal and pretend to be all knowing when it comes to hifi. With so many years invested doing that, you shouldn’t be surprised when somebody comes along and challenges you, it’s bound to happen. In that sense, you should pay attention to what thecarpathian, sokogear and others are saying. And... you must respond if you are to remain credible. Or you can bow out by saying you misjudged the reading comprehension of your audience. Since I believe I have relatively good reading comprehension and I understand acoustics and how discrete sources add, can you explain why you made the following comment?
"Starting with one I added a couple at a time until now at 8 with 2 more on the way. Each one improved the same amount as the last. So much for the "law" of diminishing marginal returns."
Also on a more fundamental level can you explain why adding a 7.83 Hz electromagnetic generator to your room improves the clarity of your system? Can you also address the odd and even harmonics that are generated? The 5th harmonic is at 39.15 Hz. Enquiring minds want to know...