Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.
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Oldhvmec - so true. Race car teams know a clean car is faster. This is where physiological effects can translate into more positive performances.  The mechanics take more care. The drivers are more precise and confident. A clean car isn’t faster really but with humans involved it is.
If anyone watches Better Call Saul, some of these unnamed posters/painters seeking to keep out EMR from their electric current remind me of Jimmy’s brother Chuck. Their stereo power has to be 100% pristine clean. Unless you are running off of your own transformer, you are relying on the electric company and you can’t get rid of all the noise. A good power conditioner will get rid of most. Nothing is perfect.

Remember Chuck McGill’s house? Windows covered to prevent sunlight from coming in, all appliances off and he lived by candlelight? He was NUTS!!!! Unfortunately they killed him off the show, but he was hilarious. If you haven’t seen the show, stream it. It is the prequel series to Breaking Bad, one of the best shows of all time. Better Call Saul is excellent also, but it is not as great as BB.

Bet those changes to his whole life made his electrical grid quiet.....Don’t make your house look like Chuck’s.
On the contrary. Believers in homeopathy become more and more convinced over time that their water has healing properties. They seek confirmation biases and use them as ‘proof’. We see it all the time, even on this forum. In a life of 70 years there will be nights of good sleep and nights of poor sleep. Put a box and a cat under your bed, and when the next night is a good sleep then that is due to the box. And the cat. Or the cat. Or maybe the effect of going to bed convinced you are going to get a good nights sleep. Or random chance.

FIRST-My critic has confused these 2 very distinct concepts affirming that all my cumulative embeddings controls over 2 years were only the "effect of taking placebos", the "tweaks" being ineffective.... It is possible for some case NOT FOR ALL INCREMENTAL additions or modifications implemented in my system...All drugs like all tweaks are accompanied by their "placebo effects" and like in medecine, in audio we must unmask the real effect of a tweak like for a drug from the placebo effects associated with it...BUT REDUCING all "placebos effects" associated with a drug or with a tweak to the" effects of a pure placebo" taking is not science...It is SOPHISM.....It is not an argument but a confusion of concepts...

I never denied the existence of a "placebo effect" associated with the taking of a drug or with a tweak but i denied the reduction of all tweaks or all drugs in their possible effects to be ONLY the "effects of a placebo" associated with them.... This is logical and distinguishing the 2 is pure science.... Confusing the two like in this post is ideological biased position with no desire to experiment and only a PREJUDICE begging the question for the answer....

SECOND- the buying of any UPGRADE to an audio system, being it speakers, amplifiers or dac could also be vulnerable to the same effect of taking a placebo and to the placebo effect...We must distinguish the 2 concepts also when making ourselves vulnerable to the consumerism conditioning market when buying gear...

Then we must ask to ourself at what point in our own audio history it is better to think about the implementation of the right method and the right devices to control effectively the working embedding 3 dimensions of any audio system: mechanical,electrical or acoustical... Is it better to buy the new costly amplifier or speakers or dac or better to think about the way we can improve considerably what we already own by installing it rightfuly in this three working dimensions...

A "tweak" is not an embedding controls by itself....It is only an help in this direction...We must separate the universal placebo effect related to any wishful change, be it an upgrade or a tweak, from the real effective working of the upgrading product or of the so called "tweaks"....

All my approah is to say that the working embeddings three dimensions of controls are more important and less deceitful than buying an upgrade if we are not satisfied by our system AT SOME POINT....

What is important in audio: it is not the upgrading process that is the more important factor, but for almost all of us without one million dollars, it is the way by which we will succeed in INSTALLING rightfully in the mechanical electrical and acoustical working dimensions any piece of gear and the system itself AT THE LEAST POSSIBLE COST...

Is a single tweak able to do that?

Is it necessary to pay high money to do that?

Is it possible to separate the placebo effect linked to a costly new gear or costly tweak from his real working effective or ineffective contribution?
YES by experiment

Is it possible to replicate or replace costly tweaks with cheap one to a certain degree?
YES it is my experience for 2 years

Is the Schumann generator a deceiving product which work only by the placebo effect?
In my experience and experiments NO

Is there here anyway some placebo effect could be playing?
YES like in ANY upgrade or addition of anything which we wish to be positive there is a placebo effect related to it...

Is a 10 bucks product "snake oil"?
No it is a cheap experiment proposal, not a costly product advised for miraculous effect...Buying a cheap chinese device is not the same thing that buying a costly Acoustic Revive product.... Confusing the 2 is bad faith...

Is the S.G. a general solution to the 3 embeddings problems by itself?
Not at all....It is only an interesting experiment giving a positive results for many and it is easy to verify its effects...

Is the general trend considering upgrading the ONLY MEANS there is to buy a real audiophile experience something deceitful? A market practice? A conditioning of customer? A placebo effect cleverly planned?
YES it is also that and not only real pure and objective improvement in all cases...

Because learning how to control and tune a system or a piece of gear in his 3 working dimensions is at least as important than buying a good gear....Read this sentence twice please....

In conclusion my audio room is my laboratory and it is not possible to do with a living room what i did in my audio room...

Then attacking my "room" cleanliness is not fair.... This has nothing to do with a specific "tweak" or anything to do with my embeddings controls .... Some can use only a few of them and make them more clean and more esthetical...I am more creative than crafty.... 😁

I succeeded with my audio system at peanuts costs and it is the only important factor for me .... I learned something and i communicated here in the process... Something very few at best has ever dare to say here :

It is possible to buy audiophile experience at relatively low cost if we learn how to do it....

And advice and maxim is : dont upgrade to anything before learning HOW to embed everything right...

If you call my audio system experience only wishful thinking or placebo.... Myself i could call all these costly audio systems marketing, so called "audiophile", limited in their power to deliver real audiophile experience by the way they are well embed or not, in the 3 working dimensions of any system.... This is not a QUESTION of price.... This is a question about simple possible low cost methods used to control vibrations, electrical noise floor and acoustic settings...

By the way dont call me "nuts", it is easy to put everydody unorthdodox in the same bag.... I know very well that some of my devices or experiments are "nuts" but not all the experience is....

Who is nut, those who chase with big money their tails or me satisfied with a low cost well embed system ?

Plugging a new gear in the wall is NOT the way to reach audiophile experience in general.....Sorry...I dont mind the high price paid for the gear...