If you had access to a time machine, what concerts would you go back to see?

2020 was the first year of my adult life that I did not attend any concerts. I'm sure that I'm not alone in this unfortunate situation. So, this got me thinking about both the concerts that I "missed" (could've gone, but something went wrong) or concerts I "wished I'd had the chance to see."

Plus, I thought this would be a good bookend to the ongoing (and excellent) thread about "the worst concert you ever saw."

From my list must add a dynamite 
Moody Blues concert and 
a truly memorable evening with Tony Bennett. 
I'd see Bob Dylan early in his career. Or maybe see him when he "plugged in" at Newport in July  of 1965. Or maybe Woodstock. Damn, there are so many. 
How could I forget..
A fine Dylan concert, Emerson Lake and Palmer, Peter Greene with Splinter Group, Dick Dale, 
Jethro Tull, Foghat, Emy Lou Harris, Steve Earl, Cactus Blossoms, Roger Waters, and
finally three years ago a great McCarthy concert.  
Many musical memories.  All fine for different reasons. A young Bob Segar always had everyone on their feet rocking and rolling! 
Also...Freddie Cannon in a small club was superb.