Totem Arro vs Silverline Prelude vs Salk Songtower

I'm setting up a bedroom system and need some advice. Budget $1-$2k. Amp will be a Peachtree Nova. Speakers will need to go close to the back wall. I've listened to the Arros and really liked their imaging & 3D sound. What else should I consider???
Nothing like a good deal. Just saw Preludes on A-gon for $600; they went quickly, no suprise.

Eyeing up a REL T-1 on ebay ...
Another initial non-working woofer prompted me to call Silverline and talk to Alan Yun...THAT was cool and he told me, among other things, to not bi-wire them, don't lose the jumpers, and he'd sell me another woofer no problemo...weirdly it seemed the offending woofer had no sign of EVER being hooked up (properly anyway), and man...these speakers do NOT like using one woofer.
BEing close to the rear wall is almost always not ideal for imaging and 3-D sound, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. My second system cannot not be set up ideally but still sounds great. I suspect this would be the case with any of those three. I have heard the Arros and like them a lot (especially away from walls). I have heard Salks but not enough to form an opinion. Have not heard the SIlverlines, but I suspect you cannot go wrong there from what I have read.