As usual, the answers given here are wrong. They are wrong because no one can tell you which combination of gear will work best given the wide range of available DACs (dedicated or integrated), preamps (passive or active), amps (integrated or dedicated, A, A/B, Tube, D, etc), and cables, not to mention sources.
Anyone who suggests they know the answer is deluded. One may find a general pattern - maybe - if they build many systems of a variety of configurations, but recommending one setup over another simply by making one or two changes is weak, and it is more personal preference than any meaningful principle guiding setup.
The fact is that any given set of gear, cables, and speakers in one configuration could be bested by another set of gear in a different configuration. There is no other correct general answer.
Anyone who suggests they know the answer is deluded. One may find a general pattern - maybe - if they build many systems of a variety of configurations, but recommending one setup over another simply by making one or two changes is weak, and it is more personal preference than any meaningful principle guiding setup.
The fact is that any given set of gear, cables, and speakers in one configuration could be bested by another set of gear in a different configuration. There is no other correct general answer.