Had an epiphany, what would happen when all of you die?

This is not about analog directly or even music, I don't think there is another place in this planet with adepts like most of you are here in audiogon, what will happen when you all die? Raul, MC, Mijo, Lew, Erik, Atmasphere, (myself), even the one that shall not be named, even GK (how ya doing cupcake).
Will someone carry the torch? Would anyone care?Kind of sad to say see an age in audio technology (not only analog) pass by, really this post doesn't even make any sense, apologies in advance.

With all the craziness, and criticism,
If I would be alive 100 years from now I'll still miss audiogon and your contributions.
Thank you all for all the craziness
And audiophiles will have inputs installed directly into the auditory cortex and so I n a way there will be no “audio”Philes.
a) I'm going to outlive all of you.

b) when that happens I'm taking all your stuff.
Erik, I will put my stuff on the front curb. Don’t disturb my wife.

I thought it interesting that Luis used “you” in his question. As if he is immortal.
Thanks for this depressing thread just what we needed now.
@ebm I’m sorry, indeed depressing, I feel better now (I just turned 50th)

Erik, I will put my stuff on the front curb. Don’t disturb my wife.
@lewm Hahaha good one Lew

I thought it interesting that Luis used “you” in his question. As if he is immorta l
@lewm Honestly I just picked the regular characters here in Audiogon (word fictional came to my mind but you are all real I think, AI bots are incredible these days), in no particular order. The thing is Lew I read so much (did I said kenjit in my post? Oh yeah, I did) here in Audiogon that I feel like I know you ALL (of course I don’t) I am a Noob and the level you all go into audio, and tubes, and mechanics of the TT and such is impressive, no other site or place has such specialization as this one.I personally learned a big deal out of it (wait for Raul to say I did not and that I will never learn)

Music won’t go away.
I know, I was referring not to music exactly but the details, my children they don’t care at all, I have tried believe me, I see the younger people so careless about the world and it is a very very scary world the one we are going.

Unfortunately, in the year 2071 the statues you had erected to the Audiogon Hall of Fame were torn down by an angry anti audiophile mob
@afisher The mob will come from ASR

If ever there was a guy who would be impossible to replace, it would be Al
@brownsfan True, I hear you, such a smart gentleman

Will records be around 100 years from now? Stranger things have happened, maybe not, who knows
@mijostyn yeah who knows indeed, I drank the coolaid with the CD era, and Fraunhoffers MP3’s and such, and vinyl (created in their era) is still so amazing

COVID has been a bitch, no? Hang in there; over soon.....mostly
@frogman yes apparently the massive vaccination will take care of it, this specific week Monday (here in Miami) there was traffic, restaurants full of people, I started receiving support calls like never before, like never in the last 11 months, it feels like it is over, as a matter of fact pharmacies are missing appointments and have extra vaccines so now it is just a matter of actually having the people to get vaccinated

Thank you all.

As per my current Will and Testament Keith Richards stands to inherit the main Hifi rig (my wife prefers the less complicated mini system).
