Technics moving all turntable production to Malaysia

I haven’t seen this reported anywhere. Heard it first from a dealer and now have confirmed it with Technics directly:

All turntables, even the SL-1000R, are leaving Japan and moving to a new facility in Malaysia. Everything’s going under one roof. Technics is halted now and they’ll start up the new production line in Malaysia on April 1. 

If the product is the same then that’s what matters most, but this definitely marks the end of an era and I’m sure the reaction will be mixed.
@chakster as said, first heard it from a major Technics dealer two weeks ago, and then emailed with Technics directly this week and they happily confirmed. No sense of secrecy from anyone. 
I would assume that Technics new manufacturing facility would be more advanced than their older Japanese factory. Where something is made, shouldn't be an issue unless there are other factors colouring your opinions.

I have a SL1500C that was made in Malaysia and it's an excellent, obviously well built TT. I don't see a problem. A lot of well known electronic equipment has been built for quite a few years in that country.