Horning owners what amps have you used?

Just curious what amps other owners, or previous owners, of the Aristoteles, Eufrodite, Agathon or Perikles have used. Chime in even if you don't own these speakers but have an opinion.

I know most everyone has heard these speakers with the TRON Discovery or Telstar at RMAF and the 211 is heavenly IMO, but way out of my price range.

I have the Aristoteles Zigma and a Thoress 300B SET (8w). I love it, but like anyone else who is possessed with sound addiction, as Neil says: rust never sleeps.

Has anyone used anything less than 8 watts? Or more power like a 300B PP or 845? I do have a Berning ZH270, and unlike a fellow Audiogon-er who had the ZH230 and Eufrodite and thought highly of the match, the ZH270 sound is not my thing.
My point exactly, you could audtion 5 different 300b amps in the same system and they would sound nothing alike. I`ve heard 2A3 amps sound great and others crappy.

Onemug, I would`nt advise a 300b SET to drive Maggies, but the Horning is an entirely different story.But your point in the effect of various 300b tubes as a 'driver' is spot on.
Charles1dad and Johnk, what you both have said is 100% true.

However, for whatever reason, you're missing my point that head to head - again keeping all other variables constant, the 2A3 will outshine the 300B tube when it comes to bass response. And, it will not be close enough to call it a race.
I disagree with that based on my own experiences and I`ll just leave it alone from this point on. As long as we are both happy with our choices/results what else matters?
i've been using a pair of Eufrodites' in my 2nd system for a few years.
used to drive them with a 211 based SET (Kondo Ongaku) but felt the combination to be overly euphoric. i've since been using 6c33 based SET amps (Lamm ML2.1). timing & general presentation seems more neutral, but i'm not entirely convinced. still prefer my 1st system.
I've not heard them together in some time, but our customer's comments regarding the M-60 and Horning fly right in the face of Trelja's comments. We've had customers run the combination for years. The speaker *does* like a bit of power.