Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.
So, to recap:

Without you running several Schumann Resonators, your Moabs sound flat and grainy.
And without you lifting your speaker cables from the floor, your Moabs sound distorted and muddy.
Good to know. Do you think it is a problem with your speakers, your associated equipment, Your cables, your tweaks, or your audio knowledge?
Something is certainly amiss. Flat, grainy, distorted, muddy. Perhaps a different hobby?
Mercy, MC aren’t we full of ourselves tonight.. I bought two of those things.

It is a perception. Nothing more for me.. It has an effect on ME, not my equipment.. It is NOT a placebo. It is not holistic. I was trained to resist mind tampering, PHS and NLP are VERY real. MNG (multi national governmental) job. Training requirement.

There is a physical effect on YOU not the equipment..

The same terminology used over and over again will sink in, won’t it, mahgister with his embeddings.. :-).

Saying a word over and over, indoctrinates individuals, saying "I AM" is held by only ONE person.. The teachers at the time were going to stone him to death for saying it too...:-(

No MC you’re not a professionally trained listener. Does that make a difference? Who trained the professionals? Audiofilers are smug and haudy if nothing else.. BUT There are no better audiofilers than others.. NOT AT ALL. Better trained MAYBE... Self taught NO.. ONLY if they KNOW how they learned. Not I just learned it one day.. YUP, sat down and learned it.. NO YOU WERE taught it unless you truly are "I AM".

All knowing, all seeing, all hearing.. Omni! The thing I read...

Time to feed the chickens.. They can hear....REALLY hear...So can my dog after I trained her what to listen for..
Termites.. YUP termite dog.. Finds them no matter where they are at... ONE termite in a 2 foot thick log.. :-)

Dear friend oldhyvimec you are not totally right....

Yes it could be an effect on the physiology .... Perhaps it is also...

But with my experiments i think it is also an objective effect through the electrical grid of the room...

Things are often not so simple we wanted them to be or are able to distinguished ourselves clearly...

And yes you are right:

The same terminology used over and over again will sink in, won’t it, mahgister with his embeddings.. :-).
For sure repeating a concept help to program it in heads, but this does nor means that the concept of embeddings is not useful to overpass the ideologically incorrect audio concept of "tweaks"....

Anyway my deepest respect for you and your always high spirit....

You know as well as I do it is a way of doing things.. Very simple Master mahgister. I can follow part of the ways or some or the ways but I chose to follow MY ways... Very clear in my head..

Strange your embeddings could be used to teach your way of making sound, the way you have found to make you feel better.. LOL Are you getting all the YOUs and YOURs.. As wonderful as your tinkers mind is I still know that in 45 years of hearing EVERYTHING including a volcano go off twice, that the devices are just that, a device that works on ME not my equipement. It is not a placebo as I said.

But to say I had none. Then added more and more and everything gets better and better and then unhook half and the whole sound thing takes a dump.. I say it's pure pink room effect. Just no overdose possible.

For a lack of better terms, some are FAR more impressionable than others.. Mechanics and everyone else on earth being the two different categories.  I'm in the mechanic column..:-) No malice intended.

Your buddy Groucho would say "The world goes around in a circle because of mechanics, not mice on the inside running real fast". :-)

Your buddy Groucho would say "The world goes around in a circle because of mechanics, not mice on the inside running real fast". :-)

In musical audio mices and mechanic embrace sometimes themselves in the same wheel...But i really dont want to  contradict Groucho here.... 