What is the most analytical sounding amplifier that you have heard?

Some people like analytical and even consider this quality a signal of neutrality or honesty, so I don't want this to come off as a hate thread. ;-) 
It is not productive to attempt to address "analytical" without also discussing tonality. It's properly a system issue, and not just a component issue. 

Imo, it seems "analytical" is more properly applied to listeners, and "complex" applied to equipment. This mirrors Stereophile's definition, excessive detail, versus, "Sucks the life out of," which gives no proper descriptor for the audiophile to act upon. The potentially anthropomorphic aspects of the term analytical seem to muddy the situation. 

Often, it's not the amp that is the problem, it's the way the audiophile set up the system. It takes about a dozen different iterations with any component to know the innate character of the component. Most do not have capacity to do so many rigs in order to find the true character of the component. They set it up with their gear, pronounce it's sound, and think they know. Likewise, people set up a rig with an amp and think they have hit the jackpot. They don't bother to try other iterations, and consequently never optimize their rig; they really do not know the innate character of the amp either. Most of what is passed around here as judgments of equipment are only partially informed, a function of how the community works (No judgment in that, just describing the reality of the situation).  

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Dont like these terms to describe audio. 
  Much like metal in late 70s’ - 1990.  Its metal.   Not rectum ranger metal, pipe metal, spaghetti metal. Whatever the term. .......if its metal than its metal ..
genres, upon genres,   Like amps.  Its not so much the amp as speakers and source material.  
  My dna-750s r far from analytical, as are my odyssey kismet and carver sunfire.  They all sound great. !!!!

 Analytical and lifeless i would mention emotiva xpa1 1000W monos. They have been boxed up for 10 years now.  Only plugging in 2-3X a year to keep caps used.   Only other amp i consider analytical is my QSC gx5. Wwhile not analyticall, she is straight wire w gain !!
very accurate and honest.  Bad recording in ....bad sound out. 
It's properly a system issue, and not just a component issue.
Often, it's not the amp that is the problem, it's the way the audiophile set up the system.
a bit or more of truth?

To reveal all the details doesn’t have to mean the sound is sterile, etched or irritating. It means just what it says. Details have life just as much as larger matters and occupy space in the same manner.

Details have warmth and body but on a lessor scale.That’s all. Details contribute to the overall sound of the music, just like in real life. When I hear details properly portrayed, I get a more complete picture or mental image of the event, which is what this hobby means to me: to recreate the event as well as possible.

Hearing the leading edge of something in larger proportion than it should be is not detail. Nor are the sounds that irritate. That indicates something wrong with your system and not the music.

All the best,