Best Solid State Amp w/ Avalon Eidolon Diamonds

I'm about to receive a used pair of Diamonds, and already have a CAT JL2 amplifier and a pair of Classe Omegas. I've heard that the CAT has great synergy, but don't know about the Classe. Typically I've heard good things about Spectron and Roland amplification with the Diamonds. Are there any other SS amps that people know work real well with the Diamonds?

Thanks, Peter
Cpcorreia - I read that the newer spectral models also allow you to use other preamps. Can you still get the same level of performance using a mixed combo? Which Spectral individual amps or amp/preamp pairings should be considered? I'm hearing good buzz about the 260.

Stringreen - which Ayre amp are you referring to? I've got the K1XE preamp now. I've had the V5XE, and while it is a great amp, I can't imagine it getting the best out of the Diamonds. The MXR's are pretty expensive.
Hi Peter - If you already have a K1xe...and don't feel the need for monoblox, try using Anti-Cable's new Reference balanced interconnects. I've just got a meter pair and am amazed how it simply removes hash and junk that stands in the way of the sound. If you don't like these interconnects, send them back and get your money back....however, it is very worth your while to at least try your Ayre with these interconnects. Let me know the outcome if indeed you go ahead with it.
I definitely would not use a digital amplifier with the Eidolon Diamonds. Not a good match with the mids or tweets.

I have heard wonderful sound with the Eidolon Diamonds and the Pass Labs XA160.5. The amplifier is Class A and can drive almost anything.
Stringreen - which Ayre amps are you referring to? Also, why are the anticables reference interconnects not intended for monoblocks?