Cpcorreia - I read that the newer spectral models also allow you to use other preamps. Can you still get the same level of performance using a mixed combo? Which Spectral individual amps or amp/preamp pairings should be considered? I'm hearing good buzz about the 260.
Stringreen - which Ayre amp are you referring to? I've got the K1XE preamp now. I've had the V5XE, and while it is a great amp, I can't imagine it getting the best out of the Diamonds. The MXR's are pretty expensive.
Stringreen - which Ayre amp are you referring to? I've got the K1XE preamp now. I've had the V5XE, and while it is a great amp, I can't imagine it getting the best out of the Diamonds. The MXR's are pretty expensive.