Wilson Alexx V

The new Alexx V is to be released at the end of this month 3/29/21.  Any thoughts or predictions on how this one will compare to the current one.  I know no one will know for sure until it’s out.  They say it’s based off the XVX.  I believe this one may rival the XLF in a smaller package. New tweeter, midrange and increase in bass enclosure size and the new Xcaps.  More efficient?  Any thoughts?
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 I believe you'll find more of a favorable response and level of genuine interest if you post your comments on the whatsbestforum.com Audio section. You won't be greeted with snark and sarcasm. There are Wilson Audio speaker owners  as well as others there who'd share your curiosity. 
yep, abandon the low brow idiots here.....Audiogon is about the imaginary giant killer in a cheap cabinet with an orange peel painted cabinet. The idiots can’t figure out which parts come from the communists....
Charle1dad Thankyou for suggesting what’s best forum. Much better comments there. Appreciate it. 
You are welcome and best of luck. Very different niche and decorum over there.