Free speaker tweak that's a must do

Hello. Every time I receive a set of speakers, I always tighten the screws on all the drivers. I've received a few pairs where I could actually remove the screws with my fingers!
Erikminer,Its common knowledge across any industry using fasteners of most any type that over torquing will cause faster to loosen. If there loose already fine but just to tighten because its what I do shows a misunderstanding of how bolts screws etc work. And that's not about being a audiophile. Its about basic understanding of how things work.
No over torquing will not cause a bolt/fastener to just loosen but it will add addition stress to the bolt which may cause it to fail over time. And really it depends on what we are torquing. As an example the wheels on your car have a specific torque spec.. probably 80 ft lbs or so. I GUARANTEE that unless you torqued them yourself they are not at spec, but over torqued. In fact most all wheels are put on over tight. If we use your theory then there'd be a lot of wheels falling off cars. For the most part a little over torquing isn't a real issue, huge gorilla over tightening will just cause either the bolt/ screw to strip out, or in an extreme case for the fastener to fail.
Good tweak....also...remove speaker grilles for critical listening...lastly...bought some large metal cone/spikes at hardware store...placed on top speakers ala totem...reduces reasonces...bass tighter....just my .02
If screws are loose how is repairing by tightening fasteners considered a tweak? Wood fibers act differantly then metal you compress them they will not spring back to hold fastener and they will lossen with time,most loudspeakers with threads use inserts tighten into wood. Lug nuts are very large fasteners and if you read my post I mention most fasteners not all you stretch them and they can snap but it could mean death if they fail so its factored into lugs that idiots may over tighten. In small fasteners like loudspeakers use tightening up fasteners that are not loose will make them just loosen in the future or if massively over tighten then they may snap..