I’ve spent decades doubting the power of marketing, even though it’s one of my degrees. Strong marketing does explain the strength of several products which really may not represent to many a cohesive price/performance formula.
Truly successful marketing explains Range Rover, Rolex, Bose and Wilson Audio. I applaud those firms for playing the game better than others. They validate the consumer with a sense of pride and accomplishment regardless of what other seemingly more critical minds project.
I now live in an area up to my gluteus maximus in Range Rovers brought in by transplant residents who rave about them. Really? And why does your Range Rover smell like curry? Which BTW I love. But they did not ask me to buy them for them, so I move on.
For those haters of others audio products; it’s not YOUR money, it’s not YOUR ears so stay in your own lane please. Stop rescuing strays. Don’t we have enough caustic judgement already?
Thank you I’ll be here ‘till Friday and try the veal.
Truly successful marketing explains Range Rover, Rolex, Bose and Wilson Audio. I applaud those firms for playing the game better than others. They validate the consumer with a sense of pride and accomplishment regardless of what other seemingly more critical minds project.
I now live in an area up to my gluteus maximus in Range Rovers brought in by transplant residents who rave about them. Really? And why does your Range Rover smell like curry? Which BTW I love. But they did not ask me to buy them for them, so I move on.
For those haters of others audio products; it’s not YOUR money, it’s not YOUR ears so stay in your own lane please. Stop rescuing strays. Don’t we have enough caustic judgement already?
Thank you I’ll be here ‘till Friday and try the veal.