Anyone know how to determine bitrate/res on Stereophonic?

Without buying any gear, I mean.
When I wonder something, whether it's the bitrate of a song or if there's a way to know such a thing from a given streamer, sometimes I ask folks who might know. That's just the way my mind works. It's like a minor mystery getting solved.
If you were simply meaning to insult me by implying my post is void of meaning, I apologize for the explanation.
I answered this once but see it is gone for some reason. maybe I didn't hold my mouth right. I don't really understand the question but I have been downloading since Napster and have an understanding of bitrate. I don't know a formula. And I haven't played Mp3s in years. But I believe 320mbps is 4-5 megs per minute, probably closer to 5. 256kbps in 3.5 megs Flac is 768 I believe. Its been a while and I don't remember the formulas. Hope this helps
No insult intended. I just couldn’t fathom a reason. Curiousity is fine. Making me ask what is Stereophonic?
The only displays I have show bit depth and rates only for Red Book & up or the DSD rate.
Pretty commonplace.
If that is what you are asking.
Being defensive and curious doesn’t illuminate your quest very much.
I apologize. I’m still recovering from some of the replies to an earlier post.
stereophonic is a classical hi-res streaming site.