I am more Erroll Flynn. That sub, she swore she was 18 and sealed, but she looked double-ported, if you know what I mean.
The Wilt Chamberlain of Audio Gear
Forget about having the audio itch, upgraditis, or whatever you want to call it - anyone besides myself ever feel like the Wilt Chamberlain of Audio gear? My brother always said that I change audio gear more than I change my underwear, but in the last 2 years, the addiction has gotten worse I think. My name is Lou and I’m an audio whore, and I don’t mind it one bit :)
Anyone else care to share?
Anyone else care to share?
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- 41 posts total
I also thought this was about tall gear and nice to hear the name Wilt Chamberlain what a legend. I say nothing wrong with flipping gear constantly if it makes you happy and you can afford it. There are crazier and more expensive hobbies to be sure. @mijostyn I beg to differ sometimes newer is better sometimes it's not. Sitting here listening to a sublime sounding 20 year old preamp/amp combo. |
"Wilt Vs Russell was the battle." flatblackround, your' right! I started following just when that "new" guy started playing. I forgot the great Bill Russell Off topic, Wilt stuff: Remember when Life magazine did a spread on Wilts custom house? http://thehoopdoctors.com/2010/07/wilt-chamberlains-house-of-love-pics/#:~:text=Hundreds%20if%20not%.... 20,000? That's alot of watts used! |
- 41 posts total