The Wilt Chamberlain of Audio Gear

Forget about having the audio itch, upgraditis, or whatever you want to call it - anyone besides myself ever feel like the Wilt Chamberlain of Audio gear?  My brother always said that I change audio gear more than I change my underwear, but in the last 2 years, the addiction has gotten worse I think.  My name is Lou and I’m an audio whore, and I don’t mind it one bit :)

Anyone else care to share?
Bill Russell - - the TRUE GOAT.  Well, at sports, at least.  Wilt might have the claim for the bedroom.
Check out this thread:

My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each! | Audiogon Discussion Forum

Jay (OP) makes most people who think they run a lot of gear in and out of their systems look like wannabes.  I could not even imagine unpacking all the gear he has tried.
Maybe I'm the audio anti-whore. After owning (and selling) other speaker systems over a 12 year period, I purchased a pair of ADS 1230s in September 1983 and have never looked back. Well, not exactly true, because I've auditioned other speakers since then. However, none have wowed me enough to part with my 1230s. They just seem to do everything right, from rock, to Bach to Coltrane. I drive them with a Quad 405 amp which I bought new in January 1978 when I owned a pair of Quad 57s. 
There is nothing wrong with loving the gear as much as the music itself. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Hear hear! I'm agnostic about which is more important to me, but the amount of people who weighed in with the idea that the music is obviously "ultimate" was interesting. And some were downright, um, intense, that it was "obvious" that gear was subordinate. There's no reason for the gear without the music, silly -- they said.

There is a difference between constantly seeking the new because one has no sense of what they're doing -- fumbling around, wasting money, learning nothing -- and what you describe, which is the quest for new experiences and knowledge.

The "big dipper" was like no other in one year he  averaged 50pts.,another averaged over 20 rebounds, and one year he even leads the league in assist no one not MJ,not Kareem nor Kobe, or James dominated like Wilt he could do anything he wanted on the court. Sadly his supporting cast in Philly was not up to snuff. 
Russell was not as good no way no how but won 11 championships because he had the other parts that matched his game and they made beautiful music together. 
Somewhere in the above is a core belief of audiophiles about synergistic interactions.