To Roon or not to Roon?

I recently have tried the 14 day trial of Roon and I could not get Roon to sync with my Auralic Aries G2.1 LD Lightning app and after a couple of days of trying everything my LD Lightning app itself went wonky and started to skip tracks and not play. I had to reinstall the Lighting app and restart my Aries. I read online where some people just preferred the sound of the Lightning app as opposed to the Roon app. Is Roon worth the trouble and expense over the Auralic Aries app which is pretty good on it’s own. I spent a lot of time with Roon and it just messed up my streaming setup. Any advice would be appreciated.
The convenience and sound quality of Roon has spoiled me so I rarely spin anything.  My primary Roon endpoint is an Ayre QX-5, secondary a Senore ultraRendu, both on a Google MESH variant of the Ethernet.  
I’m one of those users who found Lighting DS to sound significantly better than Roon through my Aries G2.  I dropped my Roon subscription.  While I somewhat miss the UI, I find what I’m looking for easily enough and have more than enough metadata through LDS anyway.   

For a few posters above considering the Auralic Aries G2, I found it a big step up from other streamers I own or have owned.  I know of a dealer (biased yes - but he sells other brands) who says it handily betters pretty much everything regardless of price and uses it in front of 6 and even 7 figure systems. I can’t confirm that.  However, I can confirm, it’s very, very good.  
I actually never had a problem with function - Auralic is a certified Roon endpoint - so I can’t explain the experience of the other poster having it interfere with the function of his native app.

Regardless, after thinking about it a good deal, I can understand why Roon might be a compromised solution (sound wise) for most platforms. It needs to work universally with a variety of units, all of which have different motherboards, memory cache/buffers and data stream architecture. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if users of Lumin, Linn, Innous, etc. likewise found that Roon doesn’t give them the best sound relative to their native applications.
I had to uninstall Roon from my computer in order to get proper performance from the Auralic Lightning app. Now it works fine with Roon completely uninstalled and deleted.