In addition to AddPowr, reputable companies such as Furutech, Nordost, Acoustic Revive, Akiko Audio, Oyaide and I am sure numerous others are working on this basis and to call them all snake oil sellers is simply preposterous.Most of those who chase and see "snake oil" sellers and customers everywhere has never created for themselves a good audio system to begin with, if they had, they will know first hand that tuning a system rightfully is more powerful that upgrading it....
Ignoring basic fact about vibrations, electrical noise and acoustic, they accuse everybody who try to cure all disease plaguing all systems to be deluded by calling ANYTHING snake oil....Or worst placebo...Idiots in audio are easy to recognize....
For sure "tweaks" are way too costly for me, but i never bought them myself i replicate them simply when i could.... Result: hi fi experience for peanuts...
«Acoustic law cannot be replaced by stupidity, save when idiots speak»-Groucho Marx