enough amplifier power

I am curious as to why so many people think that their amplifiers are powerful enough for their speakers. I use a Yamamoto A-08S--around 1.5 watts output. I use it with a Fostex F-106ESR. The combination is a little ragged at low volumes, but beautifully immediate. Distorts awfully at anything approaching a decent volume. I see people using 20-100 watt amplifiers with medium efficiency loudspeakers. I do not see how this can work any better. If you work out the math, most loudspeakers need 200-500 watts minimum. That is not even taking into account low impedance loudspeakers. Do people not know what distortion sounds like? Or, compression either, for that matter? Please enlighten me.
MC225 25 wpc, Little valve amp.. I use that with Infinity RS4Bs, they are 93 or 4%. Wonderful. 150watt speakers. 5-10 watts normally.

Cary V12r 50-100 wpc. VMPS RM30s 92-3% speakers 300 watt speakers. 5-15 watts normally.

VTL 300 deluxe MB Valve amps or Class D Nords. VMPS RMx Elixirs 93%. WONDERFUL 500 watt speakers. 10-20 watts, sometimes 100-200 watts. That is LOUD 50" of ribbons X 2 look out.. 110 + db or 5 watts perfect for late night listening.

Both are cut at 300hz and below and MB columns 1000 watt speakers 12K class d amps, work perfect.. plenty of overhead. 1-18 ohms..

I had the Elixirs on 17.5 watt 300Bs.. very impressive.. 4-10 watts perfect.. BUT they ran out of gas just a little too quick for me..

Sure made the RS4b sing.. great pairing.. 300Bs GREAT bass.. too.

So many speakers out there are 88dB, which is freaking ridiculous, these do need hundreds of watts.

Ridiculous? Hundreds of watts? Come on. I’ve tried many speakers that are 87-92 db with amps that do 60 wpc, both tube and SS. They sounded great, full. There is more to it than sensitivity. This is why Pass named his series "First Watt" not "First 200 Watts."
There is so much more to an amps power than watts per channel. WPC is an output equation that is a result of everything else going on under the hood. There are 500 wpc amps that won’t drive a 90 db speaker and then there are 10 wpc amps that will make the same speaker sing with no distortion. Thus your question is to simplistic for an in-depth conversation of what makes an amp an amp. For starter go read white papers on the difference between class a class a-b and class d amplification designs. Then come back with your question of what amp will drive my speakers!