Game Changing Tweak

I bought a pair of electrical devices called Electraclear from a company called AddPowr. They're simply plugged into an electrical outlet that's shared by your system. I paid under $300 for them and they've boosted my system's fidelity dramatically. In the 1800's,  a physicist and mathematician, Joseph Fourier, delved into the science of harmonics, and now the founder of AddPowr used these equations to increase the signal to noise ratio. (more signal=less noise) His devices act as harmonic resonators. He worked for a high-end audio cable company before focusing on this new range of products.
   I thought that when I first received the Electraclears, the difference would be subtle. To my surprise and delight, it was a stunning change. I was hearing music from the inside out. Cleaner, more dynamic, and a far greater and noticeable improvement than my power conditioner produces.
   I love finding inexpensive audio devices that work. The company makes other products, but I'd recommend a pair of Electraclears to start. 
I know I embrace most of the information given here and flat out reject a few on this forum. Especially those who malign, attack and are just vicious. You know who you are.

I have tried some and they have worked and others that did not, and yet I do not espouse those who condemned or condone those tweaks.

if it work for you then great, if not move on and do not those who it has worked for.

I have lurked this forum for a long long while, joined once and was viciously attacked by a select few. Well I am back and now ignore those few. 
For the most part there is good information being shared and it is all subjective, go ahead and show how big a child you are by attacking and condemning with no data to back your assumptions. With no data that is what they are and you are the first three letter of assumption. 
We’ll keep it sweet while doing so, eh?
For sure i sense you are a sweet truthful soul...

Myself i could be wrong in any of my cases, experiments or reports...

You could also be wrong in your assessment of one of my case...

Then speaking without denigrating is the only meaningful way...

I am "nut", you are not... I need you and you need me, because life is boring if all events are previsibles or explainables on the spot....

By the way my goal in audio, without much money, was never to go on with the consumers herd or the engineering herd, but to give myself a good hi-fi experience at NO cost.... Mission accomplished.... I would have never succeeded going on with the general rule....Because audio is also like any field more complex than meet the eyes....

Enjoy your day.... And thanks....

I have lurked this forum for a long long while, joined once and was viciously attacked by a select few. Well I am back and now ignore those few.

ROTFLMAO! Your first post:
Junk science.
That was your response to Mahgister, one of the nicest guys around.
Later on the same day you posted:
Yep it’s all snake oil. Including room treatments. Snake oil.
These are not taken out of context. These are your complete posts.
Later on in the same thread:
Interesting. This is like a pit of vipers.if it works for you wonderful, if not then move on. 
Followed by
Easy to see who the posers and the vipers are.  
Easy to see who the viper is. 
Easy to go to your posting record to see these are indeed accurate quotes. You seem to have a viper fetish.

I was trying to find one that was informative and unfortunately the closest you came was the one where you tried to lecture us by regurgitating a slew of turntable tropes. You got taken to school on that one and rightly so.

I don't usually waste much time with the neuro cases around here but some make a specialty of it and they seem to have spotted that you keep coming back with the same sorry crap just under a different name.

Time to go back to lurking. Please.

Right between the eyes, millercarbon- Bravo! I'm the OP on this thread and have encountered an absurd amount of scorn from the hyenas that lurk on this forum . When they take their self-righteous 'science and measurements' posture, my immediate thought is that they can't hear or experience music. It's also likely that they have mediocre rigs that won't improve with anything except a complete overhaul. When I began a thread about SR fuses, I really kicked a hornet's nest. It's a shame because the point of this forum is to SHARE experience with your fellow audiophile, who may benefit from your results. Also, science is a terrible example of established knowledge- just look at the recent astonishing revelations of recent advances in quantum theory. Nothing is fixed in science or in audio.    
Please could those of you who trust your senses without question, who do not recognise your own confirmation biases, who don’t believe in measurement, who don’t respect the laws of physics, and who think they are immune from placebo effects, please tell me what else apart from audio you spend your money on?
Whatever it is, I’m going into that business.
And please tell me you are not into tweaking your vehicle’s brakes, or designing medical devices, or aeroplane control systems, or nuclear power safety systems.
Confirmation bias goes both ways. If you’re predisposed to not hear a difference, you won’t.
We all believe in measurements but contend that not everything can be measured, presently. We’re not so full of ourselves that we think that we’re at the height of our ability to measure things. Tell that to the physicists.
We respect the laws of physics but that’s such a broad topic to fall back on without being incredibly specific and without asking someone who’s very steeped in it to chime in with what it possible.
As for placebo effects, they are all temporary and not long lasting. We’ve always said that distinctions and variances are heard through long listening sessions and not at the short intervals needed for a parlor trick.
And, no one here falls that easily for the conflation of tampering with car brakes, airplane control systems and nuclear power stations with simple, effective tweaks done to our audio systems.

All the best,