members and their systems

for the short time I have been on here, I see that members will start a thread asking about a certain piece of equipment or speakers..       they will then buy that piece of equipment / speakers, start a thread about it saying how good it is and then next thing you know, they are starting another thread asking about another piece of gear as they are looking for something different.           what happened to that piece of gear that was so great ?       
  i get the whole buying thing....but where are members getting the money to do all of this stuff ?       do they not have other bills such as rent / mortgage payment, car payment, other bills to pay for also ?
You're getting the hang of this place.
Admin had someone start a thread to see what crawled out from under the rocks and it went something like this thread. 
Maybe they'll have a solution.

All the best,
WFT......all I did was ask a simple question as this is not a cheap hobby....and I wasnt being all " nosy " as you put it.     I didnt ask you where you got the money for your system did I ?   dont believe I did.

next time I will make sure that I ask for your permission on what I should ask on these forums....

what an ass.

Of course you didn't.  Instead, he told you a lot of stuff about his personal economic situation (which may or may not be true, and which neither you nor I nor anyone else cares about), then blamed you for asking.  

The gist of your question does appear to have an particular spin—namely a sense of incredulity about how folks spend their money and where they get it from. 
Someone will always have more money than you just as you have more than others. In a way, you've answered your own question about getting the whole buying thing.
Post removed 
"Retire first then go to work AFTER I’m all wore out.. 49 years of retirement, and what ever is left for work.."

A friend of mine said exactly that to his mother while he was in high school, except that he put it at 50 and not 49. He added "What is the point of suffering when I have energy to enjoy and having time to enjoy when I have less and less energy for that?"

Mother looked at him with sad face and said "Where did I go wrong?"

Otherwise, the idea is perfectly fine.