You forgot a 4th mahgister, people who don’t know how it should sound but think that however they prefer it must be the right and only way.
You never learn it seems...
Have you not learned that a musician for example know how a violin they play must sound when listening to the recorded event?
Certainly not, you called the musician who make this observation about timbre a liar....
But i will remind you why?
It is because of an acoustical phenomenon, no , not a digital recording one, but a pure acoustical (physics of room acoustic +neurophysiology of percetion) phenomenon that is called : remembering the timbre perception event of an instrument we already know... This remembering event is associated with a perceptive habit of playing it and listening it in a correct room... Listening and playing being two different things completely acoustically but related tough in the same individual musician...
Then you are right of talking about the "taste" or preference of a musician about the way his violin or any violin should sound.... But most musicians, even if they have their own preferences, are in general in a consensus about what a right and natural TIMBRE sound like about any instrument and maestros too.... They dont need to consult the recording engineer to know how a trumpet must sound....
You know why they dont need to always consult a recording engineer, like you especially?
It is because they want to refine the recording mix for their ears timbre perception habit in natural acoustic settings, not first and last refining it abstractingly, putting it in the procustean bed of digital processing at any cost....They enjoy a sound for their musician taste....Not a so called " perfect" synthetically recreated engineered sound for the sake of engineering ideals... Timbre is an acoustical physic room phenomena first and a neurophysiological phenomena first not a digital engineering phenomena first...
It is not simple to understand?
Then what you accused other of, is precisely your sin.... Remember the musician you accuse of lying when he was speaking of timbre saying that i was right about timbre?
people who don’t know how it should sound but think that however they prefer it must be the right and only way.
You fit exactly the description you impose on me.... The difference is i am with all the musicians in the world....You are alone with your engineering individual preferences, you take them for the only "objective" one not knowing that objectivity in acoustic is consensus of human EARS....