Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.

Why?  Because acoustical treatments presented are in virtually empty rooms. Unrealistic.

my rooms have furniture and clutter.  These rooms don’t really have a need for treatment.  It’s snake oil, voodoo science.  
So why is accoustical panels gonna help?  No one can answer this, most have no clue.
dont insult my audio room because this is a "laboratory" for me not a living room

That's the problem, most people use a living room for their listening pleasure, so it can't look like a laboratory. I'm not trying to say all your ideas are bad, some are quite good, just seems like you have every tweak known to mankind in there. I don't know how every tweek you use can add up to a sonic benefit.
That's the problem, most people use a living room for their listening pleasure, so it can't look like a laboratory. I'm not trying to say all your ideas are bad, some are quite good, just seems like you have every tweak known to mankind in there. I don't know how every tweek you use can add up to a sonic benefit.
Thanks for your observation...

 You seems a fine soul then i apologize for my rude and direct asnwer...

 I perfectly understand that people cannot transform their living room like mine...

 In the other hand  we cannot erase the fact that an audio room is the best asset...

 if only one of my suggestion is  helpful i will be pleased thats all...

 My regards to you.....
The balance between absorbers and diffusers, scattering vs avoidance of coliding sound waves.  
And then the focus should be an understanding of which frequencies are handled by each panel.

no one talks about this
The like to pull up to the mall and their 2 wheeled extension of their manhood and say “look at me”.

Kind of like putting "Ducati" in their name on an audiophile website?
What amazes me with these treads on acoustics on this forum is the dogma handed out.

The endless bragging that: "I have a rug and some drapes and my system sounds fine" just means you have never heard a properly treated room.

Stating that: "I use DSP and it's fantastic" just means that it is an improvement on what you had before, also means you have a very narrow listening area. Improvement from attenuating peaks works BUT what caused those peaks also caused nulls and no matter how much power you pump into the missing frequencies just cancels with the same power!

Yes, it's the BASS frequencies causing this problem which you did not know you had because instead of educating yourself on the most important area of achieving good sound, you waste your time and other poster's time who try and help. Those guilty know who you are.

All rooms need treatment, end of story.

@jumia ??? With your dogmatic stance don't expect much help, certainly not from me. Get a life man.