What is a reasonable discount from MSRP from a local dealer?

More specifically:
  • the type of transaction I am talking about is one-off - not a known customer or promise of repeat business, could just be by phone/website.
  • I am considering new Goldenear Triton One or One.R to replace my Triton 3+

I ask because:
  • Recently I ordered a pair of "used" Klipsch Heresy IVs online for $2,200. New ones were listed at $3,000. Immediately I was contacted and asked if I wanted to 'upgrade' to new for just 10% more! I declined, though I was (naively) surprised that they would knock $600 off the new price without me even asking. What I received appeared to be a brand new; a sequentially numbered, veneer matched pair, drop shipped from the factory. A little old fashioned bait-n-switch. Anyway, they were happy to sell me brand new speakers of a new model that does not appear to be widely discounted at 27% discount, probably because all they need to do is take my order and $$ and pass it on to the factory. Anyway, these have come and gone.
  • I just inquired about some Goldenears that were advertised as 'demos', and was offered instead a brand new pair shipped to me from the factory for 20% off list. Again, just process my credit card and send the order to the factory. Same thing happened when I bought my Triton 3+s, except I was oblivious to what was going on so I paid way more than I needed to.
For now, I would just like to place an order, and not avail myself of all that the local dealer can offer, like auditions and advice and support. So I wonder, does a dealer buy a pair of GE One.R at 50% of MSRP ($6,600)? If so, is $1900 too much to pay for taking an order? Anything important I'm missing? Your feedback appreciated :-)
like buying a persian rug or being at a street market in china... haggling, discounts etc etc just part of the game... much of the world operates this way...
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I like getting a deal, who doesn't?   My last purchase was a different scenario,  an anticipated product not yet officially announced  and a generous trade in.  So I paid "list" but got about $500 more than I should have for a trade in ....  either way I was happy to hand over the cash
I used to have 25-30% off on anything i wanted, was a gear swapper, etc.

I now tend to use local dealers and accept a lower discount. Typically i can demo gear at home which I find more valuable. Selling gear is much more costly than it was 20 years ago between Agon, PayPal, and shipping fees. 

Many of these brands give big discounts by marking up the MSRP to begin with - makes audiophiles feel good but it just comes out of resale in the end. I actually prefer the brands that limit discounts which is starting to become more of the norm like watches.