Are Wilsons the best? are they worth the money? Looking at used watt puppy 8 or Sophia 3. 
They move forward and back. I think you could tilt them. I sold them a long time ago.

They're awesome. Very special sounding.
Don't listen to the "measurement" guys.
Wilsons are worth the entry price.
@celtic66 Do you really think the people marketing range rover, rolex, bose, etc. had some exceptional marketing strategy that sustained these brands for this long?  Can't be true.  How could it be?  They're more evidence of the inability to differentiate and bad taste of rich people.  Once something has been popular with them for a long enough time it's permanently respected no matter how silly it is.  
The only person that can decide if Wilson’s are worth the money is you. I believe they are. I also believe that Sonus Faber, MBL and Vandersteen are. But ultimately their worth is a function of how they sound to you. 
It certainly isn’t a function of someone being a sore loser if they cannot afford them. Depending on what you like, either of the brands I mentioned are excellent speakers  regardless of cost.